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Now you Can Privately Signal to Recruiters You’re Open to New Job Opportunities | Official LinkedIn Blog
Now you Can Privately Signal to Recruiters You’re Open to New Job Opportunities | Official LinkedIn Blog
The secret to career happiness is finding a job you love, however there is no way to tell the world that you’re open to new opportunities without worrying about your employer finding out. But imagine if you could signal to recruiters everywhere that you’d like to hear from them, and by doing so increase your chances of having one of those magic moments when a recruiter reaches out with an amazing opportunity.
Now you Can Privately Signal to Recruiters You’re Open to New Job Opportunities | Official LinkedIn Blog
Presentation Zen: Steve Jobs: "People who know what they’re talking about don’t need PowerPoint"
Presentation Zen: Steve Jobs: "People who know what they’re talking about don’t need PowerPoint"
One thing we need to constantly remind ourselves is that slides and other forms of projected visualization—no matter how "cool" they may be—are not appropriate for every context. Multimedia is great for presentations before large groups such as keynote addresses...
Presentation Zen: Steve Jobs: "People who know what they’re talking about don’t need PowerPoint"
Inventor John B. Goodenough today won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. He has dedicated his life to leading society away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy.
Know--and discuss--your strengths for greater fulfillment at work | Isabeau Iqbal | Pulse | LinkedIn
Know--and discuss--your strengths for greater fulfillment at work | Isabeau Iqbal | Pulse | LinkedIn
I have been thinking a lot about the relationship between one's strengths and one's level of fulfillment at work. In particular, I have been reflecting on how infrequently the topic of personal strengths features directly in my conversations with co-workers.
Know--and discuss--your strengths for greater fulfillment at work | Isabeau Iqbal | Pulse | LinkedIn