Dan Roam Draws His Way to the Truth | Box of Crayons
How You Answer This Interview Question Reveals Your True Character | Inc.com
Givers versus takers: How to make sure the givers always win.
CFO Andrew | A New Vision for How to Work With a Financial Professional
298: Secrets to preventing employee turnover with Tom Henschel | Restaurant Unstoppable
Why the secret to productivity isn’t longer hours | Money | The Guardian
Alex Soojung-Kim Pang noticed that he got more done on sabbatical than at work. His latest book is about the benefits of rest and shorter working days
Yes, Digital Literacy, But Which One - Teaching in Higher Ed
Mike Caulfield prescribes a new digital literacy on episode #138 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. American Association of State Colleges and University’s (AASCU’s) The American Democracy Project…
Americans think busyness signals high social status — Quartz
Americans think busyness signals high social status.
How to Change a Selfish Person's Stripes | Adam Grant | Pulse | LinkedIn
I was the nice guy who finished last. It was my first week selling advertisements, and although my clients had a 95% renewal rate I failed to bring in any revenue.
Instead of Leaving a Job, Why Not Take a Pause? - The New York Times
More companies should allow unpaid leaves so workers can take stock of their career path, a Google employee argues.
How to Coach Like a Leader … Even (Especially) When You’re a Skeptic | Box of Crayons
Russell Crowe Can Say This, But You Shouldn't
"Are you sure?" is a simple easy phrase but it provokes our people into a binary yes or no. Better to ask "How sure are you?" and invite a probabilistic response.
How Wall Street Bro Talk Keeps Women Down - The New York Times
Objectifying women was the rite of passage through which I entered the world of men.
13 Things You Should Give Up If You Want To Be Successful – Personal Growth – Medium
6 Illustrations That Show What It’s Like in an Introvert’s Head
6 Illustrations That Show What It’s Like in an Introvert’s Head
After years of intensive analysis, Google discovers the key to good teamwork is being nice — Quartz
Elon Musk Takes Customer Complaint on Twitter From Idea to Execution in 6 Days | Inc.com
Attention, business leaders: This is how it's done.
Seth's Blog: Long-term strategy: Don't be a jerk
Monday Vision, Daily Outcomes, Friday Reflection
An unlikely journey into management and leadership
A story and lessons learned about starting down a path to management and leadership. Poor management and leadership can be draining, don't let it be.
In Praise of the Incomplete Leader
No leader is perfect. The best ones don’t try to be—they concentrate on honing their strengths and find others who can make up for their limitations.
Obama’s Secret to Surviving the White House Years: Books - The New York Times
In an interview seven days before leaving office, Mr. Obama talked about the role books have played during his presidency and throughout his life.
Why Employers Are Rushing to Offer Unlimited Vacation | Kathleen Christensen | Pulse | LinkedIn
Vacations are essential. Doubly so in this era of the never-ending workweek.
Inhabiting Executive Presence
Tom Henschel from The Look & Sound of Leadership
Living With Purpose Yields a Longer Life and Higher Income -- Science of Us
The 1 Skill Warren Buffett Says Will Raise Your Value by 50 Percent | Inc.com
Billionaire Warren Buffett told business students that this is the most valuable skill they can learn.
Mohu's wireless AirWave antenna makes cord-cutting simple
293: 5 ways to empower the people you lead with Dave Stachowiak | Restaurant Unstoppable
Want to Really Make America Great Again? Stop Reading the News. | | Observer
Let’s mark the end of 2016 by resetting.
Best business books of 2016 - Business Insider
We rounded up this year's top reads on finance, entrepreneurship, negotiation, and personal productivity.
Don’t Waste Your Time on Networking Events
There are more-productive ways to build relationships.