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The Long Game Part 3: Painting in the Dark on Vimeo
The Long Game Part 3: Painting in the Dark on Vimeo
"Painting in the Dark: The Struggle for Art in A World Obsessed with Popularity" is the long overdue follow up to the Long Game Parts 1 & 2 which looked at the creative ups and downs of Leonardo da Vinci. In this new video essay, I've taken a look at the forgotten difficult years of another celebrated artist and wondered what it means for creative people working today. THE LONG GAME PART 1: THE LONG GAME PART 2: Now available in French, German, Spanish & Portuguese! WANT TO SEE MORE? Subscribe to this channel: Vi...
The Long Game Part 3: Painting in the Dark on Vimeo
Callibrain - YouTube
Callibrain - YouTube
Callibrain, employee engagement through social collaboration and execution discipline. Go to to learn more and sign up for a free trial to...
Callibrain - YouTube