Seth's Blog: Calling your finding
Seth's Blog: Transformation tourism
Seth's Blog: Choose your role
Seth's Blog: When will you get to Ramsgate?
This 54-year-old custodian just graduated from the college he cleaned at night - The Washington Post
The Explainer: Level 5 Leadership - HBR Video
How to combine fierce resolve with personal humility.
Edwin Land’s Deep Research
Transcribe Audio to Text | Transcription Company & Website
transcripts transcription
Callibrain - YouTube
Callibrain, employee engagement through social collaboration and execution discipline. Go to to learn more and sign up for a free trial to...
Speaking without Notes – A Public Speaking Tip
If you're presenting soon, you may want to try speaking without notes. It sounds scary but here are some tips to help you get over the fear.
Sesame Street: Ernie Puts Down The Duckie - YouTube
If you're watching videos with your preschooler and would like to do so in a safe, child-friendly environment, please join us at ...
126 Your Career Path is NOT a Straight Line with Dave Stachowiak
The Catastrophic Success of the U.S. Air Force
A retired U.S. Air Force officer recently told one of us about a conversation he had with a senior Air Force leader who outlined plans for a new type of
Virginia Woolf on What Makes Love Last – Brain Pickings
In praise of those intermittent “moments of vision” that electrify love.
Joseph Campbell on Why Perfectionism Kills Love and the Pathway to Bliss in Romantic Relationships – Brain Pickings
“Perfection is inhuman… What evokes our love … is the imperfection of the human being.”
6 Myths About Empowering Employees
Lessons from a nuclear submarine.
Screw Finding Your Passion
Pinkcast 1.1 One question to help you make better decisions | Daniel H. Pink
Personal Histories as Your Brand – Essential Communications
How to Self-Promote Without Sounding Like a Conceited Jerk | Beth Buelow, PCC | LinkedIn
My clients love me! A customer told me I saved his life! I just had lunch with Popular Jane Entrepreneur, she’s so awesome! I wasn’t that impressed with Famous Joe Entrepreneur, I would have done this, this, and this! Ick. This is what self-promotion often sounds like online.
Over-led and Under-managed | Leadership Freak
What Is Good Customer Service? Here’s What Customers Think.
The science of keeping your cool when co-workers drive you nuts — Quartz
When it comes to work stress, the best thing you can do is pretend you’re someone else.
Stop Serving the Feedback Sandwich | Adam Grant | LinkedIn
How do you give feedback to a CEO who’s twice your age? I was 25, a new professor called in as a last-ditch, Hail Mary effort to save a dying company. They had already fired three consultants, so why not try me? The CEO had been leading longer than I’d been alive.
The Gift of Presence, The Perils of Advice | On Being
Why You Should Have More Empathy - WSJ
Sensitivity to other people’s emotions helps relationships; you can learn to be better at it.
A Princeton Psychology Professor's CV of Failures
The trick to managing people smarter than yourself
The trick to managing people smarter than yourself is not as complicated as you might think.
3 qualities Gordon Food Service expects from leaders |
Being tired isn’t a badge of honor — Signal v. Noise