High-Stakes Meetings | Essential Communications
What It's Like to Be the "Designated Survivor" for the State of the Union
Aside from the celebrity-studded White House Correspondents' Association dinner, the annual State of the Union address is Washington's ultimate see-and-be-seen affair. Members of Congress jockey for coveted positions along the House chamber's…
NASA Posts a Huge Library of Space Sounds, And You're Free To Use Them - cdm createdigitalmusic
Five ways to make 2016 the most productive year ever - The Globe and Mail
If you’re feeling you've let yourself down in the past because you haven’t kept up with your resolutions, don’t fret. Here are five ways to make this the most productive year ever – without a single New Year’s resolution.
How to manage your time: an MIT postdoc writes 3 books, but finishes by 5:30pm
Cal Newport's guest post shows how I Will Teach You To Be Rich principles can teach you how to manage your time effectively.
How to Say No to Things You Want to Do
Good things aren’t necessarily a good use of your time.
It’s the start of another year. Wow, I can’t believe it’s already 2016. This time of year people make resolutions only to break them in the coming weeks and months. I, too, have b…
Spurious Correlations
Why do these things correlate? These 15 correlations will blow your mind. (Is this headline sensationalist enough for you to click on it yet?)
Traditional Toys May Beat Gadgets in Language Development - The New York Times
Research suggests that some gadgets can make parents less likely to engage in meaningful give-and-take with their children.
Only 8% of Leaders Are Good at Both Strategy and Execution
But if you’re good at one, you’ll probably get better at the other.
What We Learned About Management in 2015, in 25 Charts and Graphics
From leadership and sales to robots and beer.
Leadership Lessons from 10 Wildly Successful People
Andre Agassi, Goldie Hawn, Salman Rushdie, and more.
We Like Leaders Who Underrate Themselves
Self-awareness might not be the most important leadership skill after all.
re:Work - The five keys to a successful Google team
Pod. Work group. Committee. Autonomous collective. Whatever you call it, you’re part of one at Google and probably wherever you work: a team. So if we know what makes managers great, why don’t we know what makes a team great?
The One Question You Should Ask About Every New Job - The New York Times
Corporate culture is more important to your happiness than the salary, title or position. But how can you find out what the corporate culture is?
Read These Books Instead of Getting an MBA
For the overwhelming majority, getting an MBA is the wrong move. Instead, you should read Influence, Mastery, or The 48 Laws of Power.
2015: The Best Year in History for the Average Human Being - The Atlantic
Violence dominated the headlines this year. But by many measures, humanity is in better shape than it’s ever been.
Why is everyone so busy? | The Economist
Time poverty is a problem partly of perception and partly of distribution
The New Preschool Is Crushing Kids - The Atlantic
Today’s young children are working more, but they’re learning less.
255,262 Views on LinkedIn in 30 Days: Here’s Everything I’ve Learned
TMF: Buffett/Jayhawk Q&A / Berkshire Hathaway
See question on when did you know you were rich?
The Startling Cost of All-Male Boards | Inc.com
A new study quantifies the cost of all-male leadership and comes up with a jaw-dropping number.
Study: Happiness Doesn't Help You Live Longer - The Atlantic
A new study of hundreds of thousands of women finds no difference in mortality between the happy and the unhappy.
How to Be Good at Managing Both Introverts and Extroverts
Regardless of which one you are.
Gender at Work Is Not a Women’s Issue
If you’re calling it a “women’s initiative,” it’s already failed.
The Tail End - Wait But Why
No matter what your age, you may, without realizing it, be enjoying the very last chapter of the relationships that matter most to you. Make it count.
Rainmaker Marketing Automation: Giving prospects a tiny nudge
Did you know that the Rainmaker Marketing Automation features can help you with add-on sales to existing customers by giving them a small nudge?
Tips for Screencasting - BrettTerpstra.com
Good primer on using Screenflow
Tony Schwartz’s Internet Addiction (and Why You Should Care)
Your First Management Job: Why It's So Hard to Make the Transition - Fortune
During your first management job, it's not unusual to face both resentful former peers and bosses who won't let go. Featuring Chip Espinoza.