Is Your Job ‘Routine’? If So, It’s Probably Disappearing - Real Time Economics - WSJ
New research from Henry Siu at the University of British Columbia and Nir Jaimovich from Duke University shows just how much the world of routine work has collapsed.
Tesla Ventures Into Solar Power Storage for Home and Business -
Tesla Motors says it is making a foray into the challenge of how to use the sun’s energy when it isn’t shining, with a fleet of battery systems for homeowners, businesses and utilities.
Free-range vs. helicopter: What does it mean to be a good parent? -
Parenting decisions that were commonplace a few decades ago are now cause for 911 calls and visits from a police officer or someone from child protective services.
Five ways success will look different by 2020 - Agenda - The World Economic Forum
Dorie Clark examines how rapid social and technological change disrupted our definition of what a meaningful and successful professional life looks like.
Harvard, Stanford, and Minerva? The Next Elite University at Half the Price | Jeff Selingo | LinkedIn
When the most selective universities in the United States sent out their admissions decisions for the Class of 2019 a few weeks ago, they also publicly announced—somewhat proudly—how few students they actually admitted this year. In most cases, fewer than one out of ten students were accepted to places such as Stanford, Harvard, and Princeton.Such numbers and the anxiety they produce among high-school students and their parents frustrates Ben Nelson. He graduated from one of those institutions, the University of Pennsylvania, in the mid-1990s. That’s when it was slightly eas
Most of the news/advice/insight you run into is merely seen. You might acknowledge that something is happening, that something might work, that a new technique is surfacing. Sometimes, if you work at it, you actually hear what's being said. You...
Seth's Blog: I am 'anti-business', you might be too
A hundred and fifty years ago, when people finally began organizing to eliminate child labor in American factories, they were called anti-business. There was no way, the owners complained, that they could make a living if they couldn’t employ ultra-cheap...
Presentation lessons from Steve Martin's autobiography
The greatest presentation lessons will never be found in a book on using PowerPoint (or any other presentation tool). Advice and lessons are found in different places. I have always said that some of the greatest advice on presenting on...
The Proper Way to Automate Your Social Media Activities (and 5 Other Best Practices) - Copyblogger
Automating some of your social media content may be beneficial for both you and your audience, but follow these six tips when you determine your strategy.
Have you got any contacts that have extensions in their phone numbers? If you do, you'll know that adding extension information to your contacts can give your iPhone fits when placing calls. There is, however a trick. When creating a contact, instead of this: Jenny 866-5309 x1982 Do this: Jen
From Obscurity to Genius: The Deep Life of Yitang Zhang - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
Bound Gaps Solved Last year, Yitang (Tom) Zhang published a paper in the Annals of Mathematics titled "Bounded Gaps Between Primes." The abstract for the
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: India Election Update (HBO) - YouTube
John Oliver delivers an update on the historic election in India, the largest in human history. Spoiler Alert: Narendra Modi won. Connect with Last Week Toni...
From HBO's Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. All rights belong to HBO. Check out the official channel here: