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People aren't paying for your time. They're paying for theirs.
People aren't paying for your time. They're paying for theirs.
Chris Lema writes for the WordPress community, one of the most popular website platforms. People pay him for his consulting time. Or do they? In this article, Chris reminds a lot of us who get hired to provide advice, coaching, or consulting to clients that people aren't really paying for our time. They are paying for theirs.
People aren't paying for your time. They're paying for theirs.
Getting Better at Getting Better
Getting Better at Getting Better
This article point out how major advances in professiknal development in manfacturing and sports have led to incredible performance advances in those fields. And yet, many fields and professionals struggle with this. Its interesting how the "I'm/we're done learning" still permeates many fields, including some (like education) that should know better. What's the attitude like of the people in your organization for contiuned professional development? Of course everyone gives it lip service, but even in 2014, so many have yet to embrace this. A potentially, huge competitive advantage to groups and organizations who invest in this seriously, especially in industrirs where it's not standard practice.
Getting Better at Getting Better
It’s Okay to Be Bad at E-mail
It’s Okay to Be Bad at E-mail
“November 19th, 2014 · Be the first to comment The Internet Heretic I previously admitted that I don’t web surf and that I’ve never had a social media account.” From “It’s Okay to Be Bad at E-mail” Cal Newport
It’s Okay to Be Bad at E-mail
Ira Glass interview: To mark This American’s Life 500th episode, host sits down with Jacob Weisberg (VIDEO).
Ira Glass interview: To mark This American’s Life 500th episode, host sits down with Jacob Weisberg (VIDEO).
The public radio show This American Life is at once old school and ahead of its time. A weekly hourlong program divided into acts, the show’s stock-in-trade are character-driven stories that are long on surprising plot twists.  On its face, a weekly radio documentary program might seem like a holdover...
Ira Glass interview: To mark This American’s Life 500th episode, host sits down with Jacob Weisberg (VIDEO).
The 5-Step Process for Writing an About Page that Connects (and Converts)
The 5-Step Process for Writing an About Page that Connects (and Converts)
“Although it seems like a natural place on your website to talk about yourself, a strong About page is really about empathy for your visitors.” From “The 5-Step Process for Writing an About Page that Connects (and Converts)” Copyblogger
The 5-Step Process for Writing an About Page that Connects (and Converts)
A Mighty Girl
A Mighty Girl
The world's largest collection of books and movies for smart, confident, and courageous girls
A Mighty Girl
Get Inspired By These 50 Incredibly Clever Logos With Hidden Meanings
Get Inspired By These 50 Incredibly Clever Logos With Hidden Meanings
Looking for some logo design inspiration? Here are 50 ingenious examples that carry dual meanings in their design. The hidden symbols explain either the nature of the business or are a clever visual representation of its name. The symbolism is obvious in some cases but skillfully subtle in most. All in all, the designers behind […]
Get Inspired By These 50 Incredibly Clever Logos With Hidden Meanings
If I Have Gay Children: Four Promises From A Christian Pastor/Parent | john pavlovitz
If I Have Gay Children: Four Promises From A Christian Pastor/Parent | john pavlovitz
Sometimes I wonder if I’ll have gay children. I’m not sure if other parents think about this, but I do; quite often. Maybe it’s because I have many gay people in my family and circle of friends. It’s in my genes and in my tribe. Maybe it’s because, as a pastor of students, I’ve seen and… Continue Reading If I Have Gay Children: Four Promises From A Christian Pastor/Parent
If I Have Gay Children: Four Promises From A Christian Pastor/Parent | john pavlovitz
15 Banned Books You Should Read This Banned Books Week - Mic
15 Banned Books You Should Read This Banned Books Week - Mic
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a book banned is likely a book worth reading. Beloved books like Harry Potter, Brave New World and The Giving Tree have been banned for reasons spanning from greed to promiscuity. There are censors all…
15 Banned Books You Should Read This Banned Books Week - Mic