The Future of College? - The Atlantic
For A More Ordered Life, Organize Like A Chef : The Salt : NPR
Children’s Playground in Orange County | We Play Loud
We Play Loud is Orange County's most unique, safest & cleanest indoor playground in all of the OC! Rides your kids have never seen & will never forget!
Bob Newhart Stop It
Very Funny!
What It Will Take to Fix HR - Cathy Benko - Harvard Business Review
How to Ask Useful Questions - Josh Kaufman
Asking useful questions is a skill, and it requires practice. No Time to Think
Nowadays, people can keep negative thoughts at bay with a frenzy of activity.
15 Grammatical Errors that Make You Look Silly
Why Seven Hours of Sleep Might Be Better Than Eight - WSJ
Several studies have found that seven hours a night is the best amount of sleep in order to function the next day—not eight, as was long believed.
Ivy League Schools Are Overrated. Send Your Kids Elsewhere. | New Republic
The nation's top colleges are turning our kids into zombies.
Why Do Americans Stink at Math? -
The Common Core should finally improve math education. The problem is that no one has taught the teachers how to teach it.
Meet the Online Tracking Device That is Virtually Impossible to Block - ProPublica
Love People, Not Pleasure -
What do fame, wealth and lots of sex bring? Exactly the opposite of what you think.
John Walsh, Democrat, Confronts Questions of Plagiarism -
An examination of the final paper required for Senator John Walsh of Montana’s master’s degree from the Army War College indicates that at least a quarter of it was appropriated without attribution.
The Three-Word Problem That Can Destroy Your Life | LinkedIn
Genius Dad Figures Out Way To Fill 37 Water Balloons In 20 Seconds
Brain’s Network of Bottlenecks May Limit Multitasking | Science | WIRED
By Kate Shaw, Ars Technica Although the human brain is a very complex structure, it’s still not big or efficient enough to process every single thing we see, hear and do. Sometimes this limitation is a good thing, since it forces our brains to filter out minor details that we don’t need to dwell on. \[…\]
Today in uplifting internet news: Redditors help father who lost his infant daughter - The Washington Post
Interruptions at Work Make You Way Less Productive | New Republic
Science proves what we've long known. Gchat is the devil, but we love it.
Why the Myers-Briggs test is totally meaningless - Vox
It's no more scientifically valid than a BuzzFeed quiz.
How to Explain a Career That Looks Stalled - John Lees - Harvard Business Review
A Six-Hour Workday? Sweden Will Start Experimenting With Shorter Hours This Summer | Fast Company | Business + Innovation
The Best Business Book I’ve Ever Read | LinkedIn
Book suggestion from Bill Gates
Bingeing On Bad News Can Fuel Daily Stress : Shots - Health News : NPR
What Corporate Climbers Can Teach Us - WSJ
Those co-workers with an inexplicable ability to rise in the ranks may possess \
John Steinbeck on Falling in Love: A 1958 Letter | Brain Pickings
Beautiful web type — the best typefaces from the Google web fonts directory
A showcase of the best typefaces from the Google web fonts directory.
The Prepared Writer’s Process for Creating Excellent Content Every Day
Good structure on how to prioritize a lot of writing
Paintballing The Boss: Office Team-Building Exercises Gone Bad : NPR
Sometimes team-building exercises get a bad name for good reasons. Dangerous piñatas and co-workers tripping on mushrooms might deter some. But weathering bad team-building can also forge new bonds.
The One-Word Answer to Why Bill Gates and Warren Buffett Have Been So Successful | LinkedIn
Article related to Greg McKeown's book on Essentialism