For Many Americans, Stress Takes A Toll On Health And Family : Shots - Health News : NPR
Some Advice on Making Americans Happier - The Numbers - WSJ
The danger of making assumptions as educators
Childhood vaccines are safe. Seriously.
Striking a Balance: Digital Tools and Distraction in School | Edutopia
We should be deliberately teaching middle and high school students how to manage their devices.
In defense of laptops in the college classroom.
Where I get my stock photos...
While I’ve been busy finishing up this book, Dan and the Wylio team have been working on an updated version of the site that lets bloggers (and others) find, resize, attribute, and embed creative commons images, all in a few painless steps. (Not to take too much credit , but it was my complaints
Math Under Common Core Has Even Parents Stumbling -
Parents feeling helpless when confronted with first-grade math work sheets are adding to the political debate about whether the Common Core is another way in which Washington is taking over people’s lives.
Three Psychological Findings I Wish I'd Known In High School : 13.7: Cosmos And Culture : NPR
Why not even exercise will undo the harm of sitting all day—and what you can do about it – Quartz
Benefits of movement and a treadmill desk
The Top 75 Must-Read Online Marketing Blogs | Unbounce
The top online marketing blogs are collected all in one place, nicely categorized to cover content marketing, optimization, testing, and more!
Holistic Productivity™ Talk at the OmniFocus Setup | Productivity Consulting/Training Vancouver | Technically Simple
Talk by Tim Stringer
53+ Free Image Sources For Your Blog and Social Media Posts
Strategy Isn't What You Say, It’s What You Do - Roger Martin - Harvard Business Review
What Keeps You Up at Night : The New Yorker
Starbucks college degree: A coup for Arizona State University.
4 Successes That Came Out of Failures |
From corn flakes to Coca-Cola, some common products were created by people who could see past potential disasters.
Masters of Love - Emily Esfahani Smith - The Atlantic
Great article on the importance of kindness for a successful marriage
How To Make Your Life Better By Sending Five Simple Emails
Ever ask how to make your life better? Here's a research backed method on how to improve 5 key areas of life by sending just 5 emails.
Seth's Blog: What if you could love what you get paid for?
Social leadership
A Better To-Do List: The 1-3-5 Rule | The Muse
When you're dealing with task overload, try this worksheet out to narrow down your to-do list (and get everything done TODAY).
Here's The Schedule Very Successful People Follow Every Day
What can research and expert insight teach us about building the optimal daily schedule? Here's what to do and when to do it.
The Science Of Comic Sans | Co.Design | business + design
Public Speaking: 8 Bad Habits That Ruin Good Presentations |
Even the best presentation can flop if you indulge in any of these common but avoidable habits.
The 7 Emails You Need to Know How to Write |
The Neuroscience of Your Brain on Fiction -
Great case for the power of storytelling
Why We Humblebrag About Being Busy - Greg McKeown - Harvard Business Review
The Technium: 1,000 True Fans
The case for why you only really need one thousand real fans
Don’t Fight Distraction. Make It Irrelevant.