The Buffett Formula — How To Get Smarter
10 Things to Stop Saying to Your Kids (and What to Say Instead)
Current research shows that some of the most commonly used and seemingly positive phrases we use with kids are actually quite destructive. Despite our good intentions, these statements teach children to stop trusting their internal guidance system, to become deceptive, to do as little as possible, and to give up when things get hard.
Mastermind Groups and Mentors – Why You Need Them and How to Find Them
How to run a mastermind group
Our Dangerous Obsession with External Recognition
Breast-feeding study: Benefits of breast over bottle have been exaggerated.
The Mega-Details Behind the New Design of The Smart Passive Income Blog
Every thing you wanted to know (and even more) about the recent re-design of The Smart Passive Income Blog, including the mistakes made and adjustments thereafter.
Interview Questions: Hiring Experts Reveal Their Favorites
What If You Had to Write a "User Manual" About Your Leadership Style?
If You're Not Helping People Develop, You're Not Management Material - Monique Valcour - Harvard Business Review
How to Craft Tweetable Quotes That Spread Your Content like Wildfire
Strategy on how to craft embedded tweets
Disrupting the Diploma
Inmates Write Letters To Their Past Selves In Spine-Chilling Portraits By Trent Bell | DeMilked
Powerful letters of inmates writing to their past selves. Makes me cry.
Why Is Academic Writing So Academic? : The New Yorker
Google Course Asks Employees to Take a Deep Breath -
At a company known for a hard-driving culture, a seven-week course in mindfulness techniques is giving employees a better way to cope.
7 Characteristics of Landing Pages That Get Results | Michael Hyatt
Cars Don't Waste Fuel. Drivers Waste Fuel | Autopia |
More Medical Schools Are Screening Applicants Closely for People Skills -
A new admission process at medical schools involves a series of encounters meant to examine aspiring doctors’ ability to communicate and work in teams.
We Wait Too Long to Train Our Leaders - Jack Zenger - Harvard Business Review
Inside My Mentoring Group | Michael Hyatt
22 Ways to Create Compelling Content When You Don't Have a Clue [Infographic]
Learn how to repurpose existing content in a different media format, get more bang from your archives, and reach new and different audiences in the process.
The Five Levels of Delegation | Michael Hyatt
How not to say the wrong thing - Los Angeles Times
What's a Working Dad to Do? - Scott Behson - Harvard Business Review
For Busy People, Managing Time and Bandwidth |
We think we need to manage time, but we also need to manage bandwidth
How to Keep a Forum Extremely Active – Engagement Tips from the Pros
With the recent release of a couple of new forums on my end, I've asked the experts for advice on how to keep it active and engaging for users!
The Truth About How Much Workaholics Actually Work | Fast Company | Business + Innovation
Good suggestions for determining how much you really work since most people overestimate
Pricing Psychology: 7 Sneaky Retail Tricks - CBS News
The Amazing History Of The To-Do List--And How To Make One That Actually Works | Fast Company | Business + Innovation
6 Tips on Designing Courses for iPad with Articulate Storyline
The Real Reason Pediatricians Want To Vaccinate Your Kids