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Why leadership isn’t a miracle cure for the COVID-19 crisis (and what can really help)
Why leadership isn’t a miracle cure for the COVID-19 crisis (and what can really help)
A psychiatrist who’s also a professor of organizational behavior observes that times of crisis usually evoke familiar images of generals or endurance athletes. Instead, he argues, “a public health crisis is not a war or a race.” Here’s what it will take.
Why leadership isn’t a miracle cure for the COVID-19 crisis (and what can really help)
Peter Drucker’s Advice to Aspiring Leaders
Peter Drucker’s Advice to Aspiring Leaders
Five time-proven practices from the pioneering management thinker There aren’t a lot of business books from more than a half-century ago that have stood the test of time, but Peter Drucker’s The Effective Executive, issued in a spiffy 50th Anniversary edition in 2017, is one of the select few. Back
Peter Drucker’s Advice to Aspiring Leaders