How to read | Robert Heaton
Five years ago I realized that I remembered almost nothing about most books that I read. I was reading all kinds of non-fiction - pop-psychology, pop-economics, pop-sociology, you name it - and felt like quite the polymath auto-didact. But one day, after I had finished blathering at a friend about how much I had enjoyed Thinking, Fast and Slow, they asked for a quick summary of the book’s overall thesis. I thought for a while, mumbled something about System 1 and System 2 and how I had only really read...
15 Banned Books You Should Read This Banned Books Week - Mic
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a book banned is likely a book worth reading. Beloved books like Harry Potter, Brave New World and The Giving Tree have been banned for reasons spanning from greed to promiscuity. There are censors all…