Everyone makes mistakes... - Leadership Notes
Here’s what we know – everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes a failure is our own fault. Sometimes it’s because we were counting on something or someone else. It could be in our control, or not. But one thing is for sure: we all make mistakes. Given that reality, here’s the bigger question: how do you handle … Everyone makes mistakes… CONTINUE READING
Leaders ask for feedback - Leadership Notes
The other day I said to my boss, “After this is over, I’d like to sit down and talk thru where I made mistakes or where I made all of this harder than it should have been.” Fifteen years ago I would have never said that. It would have been a request to have someone … Leaders ask for feedback CONTINUE READING
Find a Tough Mentor, You’ll Thank Them One Day | Jamie Miller | Pulse | LinkedIn
We need to change how we think about mentorship. Too many people still think of a mentor like Yoda -- an older sage, descending from his lofty perch to deliver timeless wisdom that will guide them along the trajectory of their careers.
Stop Serving the Feedback Sandwich | Adam Grant | LinkedIn
How do you give feedback to a CEO who’s twice your age? I was 25, a new professor called in as a last-ditch, Hail Mary effort to save a dying company. They had already fired three consultants, so why not try me? The CEO had been leading longer than I’d been alive.