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Want to succeed in your job? Say ‘no’ to your boss - San Francisco Chronicle
Want to succeed in your job? Say ‘no’ to your boss - San Francisco Chronicle
“Find a way to say YES to things” was the title of the commencement address that Eric Schmidt gave in 2012 at UC Berkeley. The former executive chairman of Google encouraged the graduates to say “yes” to trying new things. Then he told them: “‘Yes’ lets you stand out in a crowd. … Be the one everyone comes to for help, for advice, or just for fun.” While you may say graduates have such a choice of employers in this job market, of course they can say no — but they still will approach their new job with a “yes” attitude.
Want to succeed in your job? Say ‘no’ to your boss - San Francisco Chronicle
Teach People How To Help You with Dave Stachowiak | Your Best Manager
Teach People How To Help You with Dave Stachowiak | Your Best Manager
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Teach People How To Help You with Dave Stachowiak | Your Best Manager