What I Learned The Hard Way About Becoming A Writer
#093: Strength through habits (Natalie Houston) [PODCAST] - Teaching In Higher Ed
The Case Against Email Strengthens - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
A Modest Proposal Last month, I wrote an intentionally provocative article for the Harvard Business Review's website. It was titled, "A Modest Proposal:
Why You Keep Signing Your Future Self Up for Stuff You Don’t Actually Want to Do
Actually, You Should Check Email First Thing in the Morning
Just don’t spend too much time on it.
Seth's Blog: Prep, spec, fit and finish
In some settings, more than 90% of the time and effort invested isn't in the actual 'work', but in getting setting up, debugging and then polishing the work. Heart surgery, for example, might take five hours to perform, but the...
The Mind is Like a Locomotive - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
Deep Thwings Charles Franklin Thwing is a largely forgotten but impressive figure from the early twentieth century. He graduated Harvard in the 1870s,
Deconstructing urgent vs. important
Why I Taught Myself to Procrastinate - The New York Times
Delaying the completion of a project may actually make you more creative.
Five ways to make 2016 the most productive year ever - The Globe and Mail
If you’re feeling you've let yourself down in the past because you haven’t kept up with your resolutions, don’t fret. Here are five ways to make this the most productive year ever – without a single New Year’s resolution.
How to Say No to Things You Want to Do
Good things aren’t necessarily a good use of your time.
Day traders rarely make history
The Research Is Clear: Long Hours Backfire for People and for Companies
The high cost of overwork.
Learning To Cut Yourself Some Slack
Excessive ambition can be a cruel taskmaster. Here are a few things I've learned about keeping a realistic pace.
Tim Ferriss in a Toga: The Ancient Greeks on Labor and the Good Life
Time management is only making our busy lives worse - Quartz
“Tess…started her way up the dark and crooked lane not made for hasty progress; a street laid out before inches of land had value, and when one-handed clocks sufficiently sub-divided the day.” —Thomas Hardy Imagine your life without time, without a constant sense that you’re running behind, frustrated that yet again you are losing the...
Reducing Your Guilt About Not Being Productive | World of Psychology
Don’t Obsess Over Getting Everything Done Before a Vacation
Presenting a saner way to prepare for time off.
Infographic: See The Daily Routines Of The World's Most Famous Creative People | Co.Create | creativity + culture + commerce
Deep Habits: Think Hard Outside The Office
▶ How Do You Do it ALL? - YouTube
Have you ever been asked how you do it all? Have you ever wondered how you do it all? Here's the answer. The real answer. Find more at http://findingjoy.net ...
Many Senators Don’t Use E-mail. This Shouldn’t Bother You. - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
Redeeming The Luddite Caucus Earlier this morning I was reading The Washington Post while watching the sun rise (I have two young kids at home: I find quiet
This Company Eliminated E-mail…and Nothing Bad Happened - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
Super Casual Friday Last week, an article in the Washington Post caught my attention. It was titled, "At some start-ups, Friday is so casual that it's not
Here's The Schedule Very Successful People Follow Every Day
What can research and expert insight teach us about building the optimal daily schedule? Here's what to do and when to do it.
Why We Humblebrag About Being Busy - Greg McKeown - Harvard Business Review