@davidblue%22,%22main entity%22:%7 b%22@type%22:%22 person%22,%22name%22:%22 david blue%22,%22description%22:%22%3 cp%3 e self described
Schema.org - Schema.org
Schema.org is a set of extensible schemas that enables webmasters to embed structured data on their web pages for use by search engines and other applications.
Experimental website to browse and search vintage computer files from archive.org.
Twitterific : Craig Hockenberry : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
A native iPhone application for using Twitter Google Code Archive MobileTwitterrific is a native iPhone application for using Twitter. I also hope it acts...
HOW 2 DRAW SANIC HEGEHOG : 0nyxheart : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
A parody/protoytpmv tutorial on how to draw a popular Sega character, originally created and produced by the late YouTube creator, 0nyxheart.
iTextEditors - iPhone and iPad text/code editors and writing tools compared
Comparison chart of iPad and iPhone (iOS) text editing applications.
About — The Psalms
‽‽‽ The Psalms (alternatively/interchangeably entitled Bilge) is a monobyline World Wide Web Blog written by 𝒟𝒶𝓋𝒾𝒹 ℬ𝓁𝓊ℯ (good morn...
Microsoft's Surface Laptop 2 Was Built for Me but You Should Buy One Too — The Psalms
Another accidental hardware acquisition astoundingly ended up becoming my favorite of any portable computer I've ever owned. Ass...
Microsoft's Surface Laptop 2 Was Built for Me, but You Should Buy One Too (TTS) : David Blue : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Siri Voice 2 reads aloud David Blue's 2018 review of the Microsoft Surface Laptop 2.
Diamond Computers
Home - District Magazine
Ireland's point for contemporary music, art, film and food culture.
Jelly Documentation
The Outline’s Josh Topolsky: There’s too much sameness in digital media - Digiday
"I believe an audience raised on BuzzFeed and on their iPhones and has seen this shit for 10 years is getting numb to it. There’s a hole in digital media. The stories aren’t very good, the presentation isn’t very modern, the advertising sucks, and the voice and sensibility isn’t there.”
Evernote Brand Assets by Brandfolder
Find Evernote official logos, images, and brand assets with usage guidelines on Brandfolder, the home for digital asset management.
Magic Keyboard for iPad Pro 12.9‑inch (5th generation) - US English - White
Magic Keyboard delivers an amazing typing experience, has a built-in trackpad, and provides front and back protection. Buy now at apple.com.
Magic Keyboard for iPad Pro 12.9‑inch (5th generation) - US English - White
Magic Keyboard delivers an amazing typing experience, has a built-in trackpad, and provides front and back protection. Buy now at apple.com.
Chet Munch on Twitter
i am laughing so hard ass!! ass is falling off!!! my ass fell off i laugh!!— Chet Munch (@ChetMunch) October 13, 2014
Chet Munch on Twitter
“i am laughing so hard ass!! ass is falling off!!! my ass fell off i laugh!!”
Mickey Marie
Mickey Marie
Cosplayers On Coke, Computers, Communication, Competition, And Lack Thereof
Wherein The Funny Rabbit On Your Phone Rambles Aimlessly About Conventions, Drug Abuse, And The Current State Of Digital Interaction In An Era Of Social Monopoly
Boy’s dreams taking flight
Charles Lindbergh once said, “It is the great shot of adrenaline to be doing what you have wanted to do so badly. You almost feel like you could fly without the plane.” David Krusemark, a junior at…
Boy’s dreams taking flight
Charles Lindbergh once said, “It is the great shot of adrenaline to be doing what you have wanted to do so badly. You almost feel like you could fly without the plane.” David Krusemark, a junior at…
Quick Key Command Formatting with ksc and Siri Shortcuts — The Psalms
During the course of my iPhone Keyboarding project, I managed to discover "a command line tool to document and describe keyboard shortc...
Quick Key Command Formatting with ksc and Siri Shortcuts — The Psalms
During the course of my iPhone Keyboarding project, I managed to discover "a command line tool to document and describe keyboard shortc...
Major changes coming to Clyp
Back in 2014, Clyp started out as a simple platform to upload audio files - kind of like the Imgur of audio. Then slowly over the years, thanks in part to feedback from many of you, we added more...
Data Protection — Stardust
David Blue (@blue) | Listen to David Blue's daily posts
Self-Described Software Historian, Writing In Public and H e r e 2 H e l p. ● davidblue@extratone.com ● https://bit.ly/whoisdavidblue
Beams: make waves with voice messages
The easiest way to share your voice to Spotify, TikTok, Instagram and beyond.