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Abigail Bassett (@AbigailBassett)
Abigail Bassett (@AbigailBassett)
The latest Tweets from Abigail Bassett (@AbigailBassett). Freelance journalist w. bylines @TechCrunch @FortuneMagazine @FastCompany & more. @WorldCarAwards juror. @RebelleRally '21 w. @Porsche IG @abigailbassett. Los Angeles, CA
Abigail Bassett (@AbigailBassett)
welovehonda (@welovehonda)
welovehonda (@welovehonda)
The latest Tweets from welovehonda (@welovehonda). Official Twitter Account of PT Astra Honda Motor. Customer Care: 1-500-989. Indonesia
welovehonda (@welovehonda)
Car Keys (@CarKeys_UK)
Car Keys (@CarKeys_UK)
The latest Tweets from Car Keys (@CarKeys_UK). Latest car news, reviews & guides to help you choose your next new car. UK
Car Keys (@CarKeys_UK)
Rich Tuckwell (@TopGayer)
Rich Tuckwell (@TopGayer)
The latest Tweets from Rich Tuckwell (@TopGayer). Businessman and Adviser, Gay Motoring Journalist, Presenter of Top Gayer TV and Comedian and general all round nice guy. Cheltenham
Rich Tuckwell (@TopGayer)
Doug Herbert (@DougHerbert)
Doug Herbert (@DougHerbert)
The latest Tweets from Doug Herbert (@DougHerbert). Doug Herbert @NHRA top fuel Racer, 4x Top Fuel Champion, Founder of @putonthebrakes Charity 501(c)(3) in memory of my sons Jon & James. Charlotte, NC
Doug Herbert (@DougHerbert)
Hats πŸ„ (@HarrietMerricks)
Hats πŸ„ (@HarrietMerricks)
The latest Tweets from Hats πŸ„ (@HarrietMerricks): "Feel like I’m wired despite 4 hours sleep"
Hats πŸ„ (@HarrietMerricks)
Ashley Freiberg (@AshleyFreiberg)
Ashley Freiberg (@AshleyFreiberg)
The latest Tweets from Ashley Freiberg (@AshleyFreiberg). Professional Racecar Driver driving the #50 Drive Progress Audi R8 GT4. Las Vegas, NV
Ashley Freiberg (@AshleyFreiberg)
Michael Bock (@michael_bock)
Michael Bock (@michael_bock)
The latest Tweets from Michael Bock (@michael_bock). longtime Mercedes-Benz man with responsibilities in Classic, Motorsportmarketing, Shows, Exhibitions and Lifestyle. Now retired, advising all different people. Stuttgart, Mainz, Bruxelles
Michael Bock (@michael_bock)
Texan Wire Wheels (@texanwirewheels)
Texan Wire Wheels (@texanwirewheels)
The latest Tweets from Texan Wire Wheels (@texanwirewheels). serving 83's & 84's for 10 years and counting to place orders call 1- 877- 84- Swang or visit Houston, TX
Texan Wire Wheels (@texanwirewheels)
Diesel World (@DieselWorldMag)
Diesel World (@DieselWorldMag)
The latest Tweets from Diesel World (@DieselWorldMag). Diesel World Magazine offers complete coverage of diesel powered vehicles including trucks and diesel powered cars
Diesel World (@DieselWorldMag)
kim reynolds (@MT_Reynolds)
kim reynolds (@MT_Reynolds)
The latest Tweets from kim reynolds (@MT_Reynolds). Testing Director at Motor Trend, fan of ancient jazz, once and future rower
kim reynolds (@MT_Reynolds)
Todd Lassa (@AM_Lassa)
Todd Lassa (@AM_Lassa)
The latest Tweets from Todd Lassa (@AM_Lassa). Editor-Founder The Hustings (please also follow NewsHustings), Green Bay Packers shareholder -- RTs are not endorsements. Western Maryland
Todd Lassa (@AM_Lassa)
Frank Markus (@MT_Markus)
Frank Markus (@MT_Markus)
The latest Tweets from Frank Markus (@MT_Markus): "Winning all the sweater contests in this ltd ed’n Hagerty Ugly-Car sweater! It features side/front/rear views of the Pontiac Aztek and AMC Pacer. It’s available at and all proceeds help provide car seats for low-income families via Baby2Baby. Nice!"
Frank Markus (@MT_Markus)
Ed Tahaney (@vrrroom)
Ed Tahaney (@vrrroom)
The latest Tweets from Ed Tahaney (@vrrroom). Things that move. Los Angeles, CA
Ed Tahaney (@vrrroom)
Ben Marshall (@marshallb60)
Ben Marshall (@marshallb60)
The latest Tweets from Ben Marshall (@marshallb60). usually pictures of things I like or topics that annoy me!. London/Bristol
Ben Marshall (@marshallb60)
Mike Royer (@MT_Royer)
Mike Royer (@MT_Royer)
The latest Tweets from Mike Royer (@MT_Royer): "That shirt is an atrocity exhibition RT @Emiliana505: @MT_Royer It's distressed purple. Not hot pink. Ian Curtis liked purple, @Whosane33"
Mike Royer (@MT_Royer)
Ron Kiino (@MT_Kiino)
Ron Kiino (@MT_Kiino)
The latest Tweets from Ron Kiino (@MT_Kiino): "Tomorrow I drive what Porsche calls "the best 911 of all time." Can't wait to test it, esp the new 7-speed manual. @Porsche #Porsche 911"
Ron Kiino (@MT_Kiino)
Angus Mackenzie (@MT_MacKenzie)
Angus Mackenzie (@MT_MacKenzie)
The latest Tweets from Angus Mackenzie (@MT_MacKenzie): "Fuel efficiency? It's a matter of national security."
Angus Mackenzie (@MT_MacKenzie)
Jim Travers (@jimjtravers)
Jim Travers (@jimjtravers)
The latest Tweets from Jim Travers (@jimjtravers). Writer, editor, blogger. Cars, car stuff, old cars, maintenance, occasional rants. NY
Jim Travers (@jimjtravers)
Jamie LaReau (@jlareauan)
Jamie LaReau (@jlareauan)
The latest Tweets from Jamie LaReau (@jlareauan). I am a reporter at the Detroit Free Press and USA Today covering General Motors and the auto industry beat. I am located in Detroit, Mich. Detroit, Mich
Jamie LaReau (@jlareauan)
Vernon Heywood (@vheywood)
Vernon Heywood (@vheywood)
The latest Tweets from Vernon Heywood (@vheywood). WANTED! Keyword rustler, rankings thief and for humorous assault and bantering. Armed with camera and pen and considered cantankerous. Southern California
Vernon Heywood (@vheywood)
Aaron Gold (@TheAutonerd)
Aaron Gold (@TheAutonerd)
The latest Tweets from Aaron Gold (@TheAutonerd). I'm a big time car nerd. Los Angeles, CA
Aaron Gold (@TheAutonerd)
James Hamel (@JamesHamelCarOC)
James Hamel (@JamesHamelCarOC)
The latest Tweets from James Hamel (@JamesHamelCarOC). I write about cars, in car audio and infotainment systems as an experiential journalist. Find me, and Gaywheels!. Aliso Viejo, CA
James Hamel (@JamesHamelCarOC)
The Weekend Drive (@theweekenddrive)
The Weekend Drive (@theweekenddrive)
The latest Tweets from The Weekend Drive (@theweekenddrive). Vince Bodiford of The Weekend Drive automotive news, car reviews, photo galleries, new car pricing, auto blog and more!. Vince Bodiford
The Weekend Drive (@theweekenddrive)
Conor Twomey (@conorjtwomey)
Conor Twomey (@conorjtwomey)
The latest Tweets from Conor Twomey (@conorjtwomey). Comms Person. I twitter about cars and bikes, usually.. some work-related, most not. All drivel herein is of my own concoction. Wroughton, Wiltshire, UK
Conor Twomey (@conorjtwomey)
@riversimple (@riversimple)
@riversimple (@riversimple)
The latest Tweets from @riversimple (@riversimple). Radically different hydrogen electric car made in Wales. Zero-emission, refuels in minutes. Circular business model. UK
@riversimple (@riversimple)
elana scherr (@challengeher)
elana scherr (@challengeher)
The latest Tweets from elana scherr (@challengeher). Words about cars for work and dogs for fun. I follow women who tweet about science. Senior Editor @CARandDRIVER
elana scherr (@challengeher)
AAA (@AAASafety)
AAA (@AAASafety)
The latest Tweets from AAA (@AAASafety). This account is no longer active. For all AAA content, follow @AAAnews, @AAA_Travel, @AAADiscounts & for member assistance, @AAACares. DISCLAIMER: USA
AAA (@AAASafety)
Jamey Price (@jameypricephoto)
Jamey Price (@jameypricephoto)
The latest Tweets from Jamey Price (@jameypricephoto). Motorsport & automotive photographer covering Lamborghini Squadra Corse, F1 and Endurance motorsport. Charlotte, NC
Jamey Price (@jameypricephoto)
Hank Gastineau (@HankGastineau)
Hank Gastineau (@HankGastineau)
The latest Tweets from Hank Gastineau (@HankGastineau). Car guru, automotive advertising advocate, and part-time picker of automobilia, historical anodized aluminum objects and other things you'd find in Rumpus Room. Long Beach, CA
Hank Gastineau (@HankGastineau)