Route map
Photo tour: west side
Photo tour: south side
Photo tour: east side
Croydon Ring Road
Common sense suggests that you shouldn't be able to spend so much money on heavy engineering and end up with such a terrible road system.
Photo tour
Burdock Way
The humble West Yorkshire town of Halifax may well be the creator of the most adventurous urban road scheme in the country. It's astonishing, butΒ what was built isn't even the half of it.
The old A574
The new A574
The bigger picture
Anatomy of a New Town
Warrington New Town
New Towns are fascinating places socially and architecturally - and, of course, in terms of roads. This article explores one example from start to finish.
Proposed at the same time as the Ringways, but ten times as ambitious - and to think the government considered building them both!
What is a speed limit?
The numbers game
Points and penalties
Not so fast
To the Limit
Speed limits are more emotive and divisive than almost anything else about the road network. How do you sort the fact from the opinion? And how did we end up with the speed limits we have?
The modern road
The Military Road
Telford's road
Three Generations of the A82
Three roads were built in the space of 200 years, all trying to tame Rannoch Moor and Glen Coe. This is the impressive tale of one of Scotland's most memorable routes.
The making of a Motor Road
Photo tour
Studland Motor Road
The first motorway opened in 1958. The first road restricted to motor traffic, on the other hand, opened in 1923...
Taming the streets
Sollershott Circus