

IF Flightplan Tools - ThirdParty - Infinite Flight Community
IF Flightplan Tools - ThirdParty - Infinite Flight Community
Introducing IF Flightplan Tools! IF Flightplan Tools This is my little project I've been working on to learn how to do a bit of coding. I've managed to make 4 webpages that can do some pretty cool things so I thought I'd share it with everyone so that you can use them as well to improve your Infinite flight experience. Flight Plan Editor This Webpage allows you to import, edit and export .fpl files. This allows you to create custom flightplans with custom waypoints. Is your favourite p...
IF Flightplan Tools - ThirdParty - Infinite Flight Community
VirtualBag - Your Infinite Flight Performance Database | Launching Soon - ThirdParty - Infinite Flight Community
VirtualBag - Your Infinite Flight Performance Database | Launching Soon - ThirdParty - Infinite Flight Community
VirtualBag Version 1 Preparing for Lift Off With great pleasure, excitement and a whole lot of nerves I am announcing VirtualBag. VirtualBag is a Infinite Flight Pilots one stop shop or hanger for all the information you need regarding aircraft performance and information. With version 1 launching soon we aim to have a slew of features available to help you navigate and fly the aircraft of Infinite Flight easier, smoother and better than ever. With in depth performance calculations, info...
VirtualBag - Your Infinite Flight Performance Database | Launching Soon - ThirdParty - Infinite Flight Community
In-Flight Assistant - Bring your Infinite Flight experience to a new level! V-Speeds, GPWS, PA, and more! - ThirdParty - Infinite Flight Community
In-Flight Assistant - Bring your Infinite Flight experience to a new level! V-Speeds, GPWS, PA, and more! - ThirdParty - Infinite Flight Community
"I can definitely say all this takes the realism of IF to the next level. You all will not be disappointed!" - @anon2063420 Latest developments after a long pause (June 2022) β†’ In-Flight Assistant - Bring your Infinite Flight experience to a new level! V-Speeds, GPWS, PA, and more! - #3010 by epaga Get it here β†’ β€ŽIn-Flight Assistant on the AppΒ Store ( Public beta β†’ TestFlight - Apple for iOS, Sign in - Google Accounts for Android) (Have Android? β†’ https://play.google.com/store/...
In-Flight Assistant - Bring your Infinite Flight experience to a new level! V-Speeds, GPWS, PA, and more! - ThirdParty - Infinite Flight Community
InfiniteX - New 2D & 3D Flight Tracker for Infinite Flight [v1.0] - ThirdParty - Infinite Flight Community
InfiniteX - New 2D & 3D Flight Tracker for Infinite Flight [v1.0] - ThirdParty - Infinite Flight Community
It is with great pride that I announce to the community the full release of InfiniteX v1.0. InfiniteX aims to offer a suite of features to complete your experience with Infinite Flight. Version 1.0 establishes a strong baseline for future iterations of the application. InfiniteX is currently available directly on your favourite modern browsers on your desktop, laptop, tablet and mobile. If you do not have the patience to read the rest of this long thread, you can visit the site directly by c...
InfiniteX - New 2D & 3D Flight Tracker for Infinite Flight [v1.0] - ThirdParty - Infinite Flight Community
SwiftyLiveApi - Live API for Swift - ThirdParty / API - Infinite Flight Community
SwiftyLiveApi - Live API for Swift - ThirdParty / API - Infinite Flight Community
SwiftyLiveAPI SwiftyLiveApi is a simple, 100% Swift wrapper around Infinite Flight Live API. Requirements Platform Min. Version iOS 10 TvOS 10 MacOS 10.12 Installation This package is available with the Swift Package Manager in XCode. To install it manually, insert this in your Package.swift: .package(url: "https://github.com/sqeezelemon/SwiftyLiveApi.git", from: "3.0.0") and then add it to your target, for example, like this: .target(name: "YourTarget", dependencies: ...
SwiftyLiveApi - Live API for Swift - ThirdParty / API - Infinite Flight Community
A python client which support Infinite Flight Connect API v1/2 - ThirdParty - Infinite Flight Community
A python client which support Infinite Flight Connect API v1/2 - ThirdParty - Infinite Flight Community
Infinite Flight Connect API Client Using python to connect the Infinite Flight Connect API v1/v2. Installation pip3 install ifcclient Usage Before getting started, make sure to enable the Infinite Flight Coneect in the app Settings > General > Enable Infinite Flight Connect First, import the module in Python and discover devcies in the same network, you can use duration to specific the time to discover, you can use duration=0 to return the first device you discovered. import ifcclient dev...
A python client which support Infinite Flight Connect API v1/2 - ThirdParty - Infinite Flight Community
API Updates - August 2022 - ThirdParty / API - Infinite Flight Community
API Updates - August 2022 - ThirdParty / API - Infinite Flight Community
Hey @api! We’ve got some new API updates for you! Added: Get Aircraft List endpoint Added: Get Aircraft endpoint - aircraft/{aircraftId} Added: Get Aircraft Liveries endpoint Added: Get Livery List endpoint Please note that from 22.6 onwards, aircraft lists will no longer be published as a CSV. Instead, these endpoints will be continually updated as new aircraft are released. In order to maintain some backwards compatibility, the Get Livery List endpoint gives the same data, just in JSON ...
API Updates - August 2022 - ThirdParty / API - Infinite Flight Community