

Stay Connected with FAA
Stay Connected with FAA
Follow the FAA on these social media and digital media platforms for the news, information, and inspiration on all things aerospace.
Stay Connected with FAA
Research & Development
Research & Development
The FAA collaborates internally and maintains extensive partnerships across government, industry, and academia to develop integrated research plans that support the development of regulations, policies, procedures, guidance, and standards for drone operations.
Research & Development
Resources & Other Topics
Resources & Other Topics
FAA has a number of resources available to operators and stakeholders regarding UAS operations, safety, regulation, and guidance. Drone Events Information about upcoming UAS events the FAA is hosting or participating in is available here. There is also have an archive of select past events. Policy Document Library All regulations, policy, and guidance pertaining to UAS are available here.
Resources & Other Topics
Recreational Flyers & Community-Based Organizations
Recreational Flyers & Community-Based Organizations
Did your drone registration expire or does it expire soon? The DroneZone is the FAA's official website for registration. If you are having trouble logging into the DroneZone, you may need to reset your password (PDF).
Recreational Flyers & Community-Based Organizations
Programs, Partnerships & Opportunities
Programs, Partnerships & Opportunities
The FAA's vision for fully integrating drones into the National Airspace System (NAS) entails drones operating harmoniously, side-by-side with manned aircraft, occupying the same airspace and using many of the same air traffic management systems and procedures. This vision goes beyond the accommodation practices in use today, which largely rely on operational segregation to maintain systemic safety. We realize this vision requires collaboration across industry, government, and academia. You can read about some of the FAA's major partnerships and initiatives below.
Programs, Partnerships & Opportunities
Getting Started
Getting Started
FAA.gov is the official website of the U.S. Government to learn the rules, requirements, and regulations to fly your drone for fun or for work. You can take TRUST at an approved test administrator and register drone at FAA DroneZone. Flying your drone for research or education? We can help you too.
Getting Started
Para empezar
Para empezar
¿Tienes un dron? Ya sea que es usted un nuevo piloto de drones o tenga muchos años de experiencia en aviación, estas reglas y consejos de seguridad pueden ayudarle a volar de manera segura en el Sistema Nacional del Espacio Aéreo. Piense en estos consejos como una lista de verificación previa al vuelo que lo ayudará a volar de manera seguro.
Para empezar
Educational Users
Educational Users
Drones for Education Drones (and model aircraft) are great tools for use in education. If you are a teacher or a student looking to bring drones into your curriculum, here are a few things you should know before you get started.
Educational Users
Drone Events
Drone Events
FAASTeam Drone Events Looking for drone events in your neighborhood?  The FAASTeam sponsors hundreds of aviation safety in-person and virtual events throughout the country each year. These interactive and informative events include a variety of important safety topics designed to help you fly safely and have fun! Visit the FAASTeam Seminars & Webinars page
Drone Events
Critical Infrastructure and Public Venues
Critical Infrastructure and Public Venues
Drones are prohibited from flying over designated national security sensitive facilities. Operations are prohibited from the ground up to 400 feet above ground level, and apply to all types and purposes of UAS flight operations. Examples of these locations are:
Critical Infrastructure and Public Venues
Contact Us
Contact Us
Got a question about unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) or drones? The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is ready to help you! You can visit our Frequently Asked Questions about drones for answers to many commonly asked questions.  You can send us an email using our contact form or call the FAA's UAS Support Center by calling 844-FLY-MY-UA (844-359-6982).
Contact Us
Certificated Remote Pilots including Commercial Operators
Certificated Remote Pilots including Commercial Operators
The Operations Over People rule became effective on April 21, 2021. Drone pilots operating under Part 107 may fly at night, over people and moving vehicles without a waiver as long as they meet the requirements defined in the rule.
Certificated Remote Pilots including Commercial Operators
Advanced Operations
Advanced Operations
Many drone operations can be conducted under the Small UAS Rule (14 CFR part 107), or as a recreational flight within the guidelines of a modeler community-based organization. However, more complex operations may need additional certification or approval. Some examples include:
Advanced Operations
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) NEPA and the Office of Commercial Space Transportation (AST) AST Environmental Documents Completed in Accordance with NEPA Environmental Assessments (EAs) Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) Other Laws & Requirements National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
Resources & Additional Information
Resources & Additional Information
Most Requested Pages Commercial Space Data Legislation and Policies, Regulations and Guidance Licenses Permits and Approvals Spaceports by State Compliance Enforcement & Mishap
Resources & Additional Information