DTIC ADA548102: Cost Index Flying : Defense Technical Information Center
The purpose of this research was to develop new ways of improving aircraft fuel efficiency, thus reducing overall operating costs in aviation for the Air...
DTIC ADA537518: Upgrading the Extender: Which Options Are Cost-Effective for Modernizing the KC-10 : Defense Technical Information Center
The Air Force asked RAND Project AIR FORCE to undertake a study to provide objective insight into the cost-effectiveness of modernizing the KC-10 Extender air...
DTIC ADA510426: Defense Acquisitions; Strategic Airlift Gap Has Been Addressed, but Tactical Airlift Plans Are Evolving as Key Issues Have Not Been Resolved : Defense Technical Information Center
DOD uses a variety of aircraft to move weapons, equipment, and troops from the United States to and within theaters of operation. C-5s and C-17s are used for...
DTIC ADA508850: Assessing the Cost-Effectiveness of Modernizing the KC-10 to Meet Global Air Traffic Management Mandates : Defense Technical Information Center
The KC-10 Extender air refueling aircraft is approaching 25 years of service without undergoing significant avionics modernization. Without upgrades, the CNS...
DTIC ADA505062: Fuel Savings through Aircraft Modification: A Cost Analysis : Defense Technical Information Center
The 2008 National Defense Authorization Act requires the Secretary of the Air Force to task a federally funded research and development center to conduct an...
DTIC ADA491569: Modernizing the Aerial Tanker Fleet: Prospects for Capacity, Timing, and Cost : Defense Technical Information Center
The Air Force has for several years been pursuing programs to modernize and expand the capacity of its aging fleet of aerial tankers, aircraft that support...
DTIC ADA479854: Transforming AMC Test & Evaluation: Using Effects-Based Mobility and AFSO21 to Build a Direct Investment into Air Force Modernization and Recapitalization (Preprint) : Defense Technical Information Center
From 2008 to 2013, American taxpayers will spend over 30 billion dollars to increase the global maneuverability of the American Military. Central to this...
DTIC ADA490835: Statement of Robert F. Hale, Assistant Director, National Security Division, Congressional Budget Office : Defense Technical Information Center
Mr. Chairman and members of the Committee, I am pleased to be here this morning to testify on options for improving U.S. strategic mobility (i.e., the ability...
DTIC ADA471722: Air Mobility Command's En Route Support Infrastructure: A Construct of Aircraft Type and Geographic Location Utilized to Assess En Route Aircraft Logistic Support : Defense Technical Information Center
The ability of the U.S. Armed Forces to maintain a global presence and rapidly project military power anywhere in the world are key factors in preserving our...
DTIC ADA463574: Defense Acquisitions: Air Force Decision to Include a Passenger and Cargo Capability in Its Replacement Refueling Aircraft Was Made Without Required Analyses : Defense Technical Information Center
The United States Air Force has described aerial refueling as a key capability. Currently, the Air Force uses two aircraft for aerial refueling: the KC-135 and...
DTIC ADA436934: Enroute Maintenance Support for Fighter Deployments: Is ESTA the Only Answer? : Defense Technical Information Center
The purpose of this research was to examine Air Mobility Command's (AMC) role in providing enroute maintenance support for deploying fighter squadrons through...
DTIC ADA457231: A Regenerative Frequency Divider of Improved Stability : Defense Technical Information Center
This report describes the final development of three ten-to-one regenerative frequency dividers, dividing from 100 to 10 kc, 10 to 1.0 kc, and 1.0 to 0.1 kc....
DTIC ADA408235: KC-10 Confined Space Technical Guidance Document : Defense Technical Information Center
The following information and instructions apply to permit-required and nonpermit-required confined spaces associated with the KC-10 aircraft. The majority of...
DTIC ADA387273: A Physics-Based Alternative to Cost-Per-Flying-Hour Models of Aircraft Consumption Costs : Defense Technical Information Center
Data from Operation Desert Storm shows that current aircraft consumption models based upon a historical Cost Per Flying Hour (CPFH) are grossly inaccurate in...
DTIC ADA361193: Tanker Aircraft in the Airlift Role, : Defense Technical Information Center
This annotated briefing examines the utility of employing KC-135 and KC-10 tanker aircraft in the airlift role. The general characteristics, cargo loading...
DTIC ADA351612: Military Bases: Transfer of the 458th Operations Group to McGuire Air Force Base : Defense Technical Information Center
Barksdale AFB was established in 1933 and has served primarily as a Strategic Air Command base and home for bomber aircraft. In 1958, Barksdale received its...
DTIC ADA329953: Support Equipment Deployability: A Delphi Study to Determine the Transportability Characteristics of Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE). : Defense Technical Information Center
The issue of mobility is vital to the Air Force as it faces the 2lst century. Operational units must be prepared to quickly deploy anywhere in the world....
DTIC ADA326677: Consolidating KC-10 CCTS Training at Travis Air Force Base. : Defense Technical Information Center
Air Mobility Command is currently experiencing a decrease in its airlift capability. The C-141 fleet is retiring, the C-5 fleet has low reliability, and the...
DTIC ADA329325: Improved Load Alleviation Capability for the KC-135 : Defense Technical Information Center
The Air Force will greatly increase its use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in the next century and the latter part of this decade. These UAVs will require...
DTIC ADA320377: Technical Report - Study Services for WSPAR, SEMR, POM, and HQ USAF/LG Logistics Assessment Programs. : Defense Technical Information Center
The WSPAR, SEMR, and POM Logistics Assessment Programs provided analysis at the Pentagon for HQ USAF/LGSI. The WSPAR is the Weapon System Program Assessment...
DTIC ADA253931: KC-135 Crew Reduction Feasibility Demonstration Simulation Study. Volume 3. Test and Evaluation : Defense Technical Information Center
In support of the KC-135 Avionics Modernization Program, a two-person (no-nav) conceptual cockpit design (Vol. 2) was evaluated using man-in-the-loop...
DTIC ADA229730: Integrating Expert, Decision Support, and Database Systems for Decision-Making: A KC-10 Service Action Application : Defense Technical Information Center
Primary objective of this theses was to develop an integrated computer system and determine whether or not the system could help KC-10 logisticians better...
DTIC ADA228351: Air Force Air Refueling for Naval Operations: History, Practice, and Recommendations : Defense Technical Information Center
The first three chapters of this project represent research into the history of Air Force/Navy air refueling, attempts toward joint air refueling concepts, and...
DTIC ADA180229: Air Refueling Tanker Scheduling : Defense Technical Information Center
This thesis determined a way to schedule Strategic Air Command's air refueling tanker fleet to perform, if necessary, more than one refueling mission during a...
DTIC ADA192522: KC-10 Air Refueling Rendezvous without Electronic Emission : Defense Technical Information Center
Because radio transmissions and other electronic emissions are easily intercepted, they can provide clues to covert mission activity. To preclude compromise of...
DTIC ADA139745: Mobilization and Defense Management Technical Reports Series. Air Refueling: The KC-10 Connection. : Defense Technical Information Center
This paper attempts to quantify the contribution of the KC-10 to Air Force warfighting capabilities. Methods used in the study included a computerized KC-10...
DTIC ADA158639: Allocation of Operations and Support Cost Targets Study : Defense Technical Information Center
The Air Force wants to hold contractors responsible for product performance during operational use. The use of an Operations and Support (O &S) cost...
DTIC ADA172954: Comparing the Effectiveness of Two KC-10 Concepts of Operation - An Examination of Tanker/Airlift Support in a Fighter Deployment to Europe : Defense Technical Information Center
This thesis considers how the role of the tanker affects Closure Time in a fighter deployment scenario. Two KC-10 concepts of operation (or roles) were...
DTIC ADA134362: Aircraft Contractor Logistics Support: A Cost Estimating Guide. : Defense Technical Information Center
The Air Force has used Contractor Logistics Support (CLS) for off-the-shelf or commercial derivative aircraft since 1948. This thesis traces the evolution of...