GitHub - mapbox/wellknown: GeoJSON-emitting WKT parser for browsers and node
GitHub - mapbox/tokml: Convert GeoJSON to KML.
GitHub - mapbox/svg-to-geojson: Upload SVG, return GeoJSON.
GitHub - mapbox/supercluster: A very fast geospatial point clustering library for browsers and Node.
GitHub - mapbox/minjur: Osmium-based converter of OSM data to GeoJSON
GitHub - mapbox/mapbox-java: The Mapbox Java SDK β Java wrappers around Mapbox APIs and other location data
GitHub - mapbox/geojsonio-extension: chrome extension for editing github files in
GitHub - mapbox/geojsonio-cli: a cli for
GitHub - mapbox/geojsonhint: IMPORTANT: development of this project has been paused, see the README (Validate GeoJSON against the specification)
GitHub - mapbox/geojson-vt: Slice GeoJSON into vector tiles on the fly in the browser
GitHub - mapbox/geojson-summary: Generate a plain-english summary of what is in a GeoJSON file.
GitHub - mapbox/geojson-rewind: enforce polygon ring winding order for geojson
GitHub - mapbox/geojson-normalize: Normalize any GeoJSON object into a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.
GitHub - mapbox/geojson-merge: Merge multiple GeoJSON files into one FeatureCollection.
GitHub - mapbox/geojson-mapnikify: Transform GeoJSON objects into Mapnik XML stylesheets with embedded GeoJSON data and simplestyle-spec-derived styles.
GitHub - mapbox/geojson-coords: Extract coordinates from GeoJSON.
GitHub - mapbox/csv2geojson: magically convert csv files to geojson files
GitHub - M-Scott-Lassiter/jest-geojson: GeoJSON Validation Matchers for Jest
GitHub - GeoXForm/GeoXForm: Transform streams of geojson into shapefile, kml, csv and other formats
GitHub - juliuste/geojson-svgify: Convert GeoJSON geometry paths to SVG polyline elements.
GitHub - hyperknot/country-levels-export: Export repo for country-levels
GitHub - haoliangyu/geojson-multiply: Multiply single type geojsons into a multi type geojson
GitHub - georust/geojson: Library for serializing the GeoJSON vector GIS file format
GitHub - gagan-bansal/geojson2svg: Converts GeoJSON to SVG string given SVG view port size and maps extent.
GitHub - koopjs/FeatureServer: An open source Geoservices Implementation (deprecated)
GitHub - dpmcmlxxvi/de9im: DE-9IM spatial predicate library implemented in Javascript.
GitHub - koopjs/winnow: Deprecated
GitHub - developmentseed/vt-geojson: Extract GeoJSON from Mapbox vector tiles.
GitHub - derhuerst/geojson-to-svg-cli: Command line tool to convert GeoJSON to SVG.
GitHub - DenisCarriere/geojson2osm-es6: GeoJSON to OSM ES6