GitHub - dartclub/turf_dart: A turf.js-like geospatial analysis library working with GeoJSON, written in pure Dart.
GitHub - d3/d3-geo: Geographic projections, spherical shapes and spherical trigonometry.
GitHub - brycejohnston/geojson2image: Ruby library for generating images from GeoJSON
GitHub - funkeinteraktiv/cogran: CoGran - A command line tool for combining data of different spatial granularity
GitHub - aspectumapp/osm2geojson: Convert OSM and Overpass XML/JSON to GeoJSON
GitHub - ArmanJR/geojson-indoor-tools: Quick tools for editing GeoJSON files
GitHub - aourednik/historical-basemaps: Collection of georeferenced boundaries of world countries and cultural regions for use in mapping historical data on global or continental scale
GitHub - andrewharvey/geojson-polygon-labels: Command line tool to generate point labels from GeoJSON polygons
GitHub - andrewharvey/geojson-mesh: Command line tool to extract borders of GeoJSON Polygons into a non-overlapping set of LineString's
GitHub - andrewharvey/geojson-id-streaming: Add a unique id to a GeoJSON file with streaming
GitHub - ancore/geojson-serializer: A library with a JsonSerializer and a set of annotations to serialize any PoJo as GeoJSON.
GitHub - anandthakker/gjv: View geojson
GitHub - aaronlidman/osm-and-geojson: Converts between OSM XML and GeoJSON
99Boundaries App
More than you ever wanted to know about GeoJSON
ogr2ogr — GDAL documentation
gimme OSM
uMap Flight logging, mapping, stats and sharing
GeoJSON Viewer & Validator
HERE XYZ: GeoJSON Visualizer
GeoJSON | powered by Mapbox