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geo URI scheme - Wikipedia
geo URI scheme - Wikipedia
The geo URI scheme is a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) scheme defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force's RFC 5870 as:a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for geographic locations using the 'geo' scheme name. A 'geo' URI identifies a physical location in a two- or three-dimensional coordinate reference system in a compact, simple, human-readable, and protocol-independent way.
geo URI scheme - Wikipedia
inRoute URL Scheme - inRoute
inRoute URL Scheme - inRoute
inRoute implements a URL scheme, which allows iOS and Mac developers to expose API methods to other apps. inRoute’s URL Scheme allows sending lists of route locations to inRoute as “coordinates” or as “searches”. Routes can be created in the same order as the input locations or the waypoint order can be optimized, and routes […]
inRoute URL Scheme - inRoute
inRoute URL Scheme
inRoute URL Scheme
Developers can use inRoute's URL Scheme to send lists of route locations to inRoute as "coordinates" or as "searches". Routes can be created in the same order as the input locations or the waypoint order can be optimized, and routes can include up to 150/25/5 locations at a time (Pro/Premium/Free pl
inRoute URL Scheme