GitHub - topojson/topojson: An extension of GeoJSON that encodes topology! π

GitHub - Toblerity/Fiona: Fiona reads and writes geographic data files
GitHub - placemark/togeojson: convert KML, TCX, and GPX to GeoJSON, without the fuss
GitHub - node-geojson/strava-geojson: Export runs from Strava into GeoJSON.
GitHub - node-geojson/openflights-geojson: Download and reformat data into GeoJSON.
GitHub - node-geojson/gtfs2geojson: Convert GTFS data into GeoJSON.
GitHub - node-geojson/geojson2dsv: shuttle GeoJSON points into DSV encoding.
GitHub - tmcw/geojson-random: Generate random GeoJSON features.
GitHub - node-geojson/geojson-join: Join a stream of GeoJSON against a dataset.
GitHub - tmcw/geojson-flatten: flatten multipart geometries and geometrycollections in geojson
GitHub - TimMcCauley/nintynine-boundaries: OpenStreetMap Boundaries for the World!
GitHub - taketime/strava-to-geojsonio: Create and edit geojson from Strava activities
GitHub - straup/whereonearth-building
GitHub - woeplanet-data/whereonearth-airport
GitHub - straup/tgn-geojson: The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN). As GeoJSON.
GitHub - stadt-karlsruhe/geo_assigner: A command-line tool and Python module to assign a property from one set of GeoJSON features to another
GitHub - simonepri/geo-maps: πΊ High Quality GeoJSON maps programmatically generated.
GitHub - Rub21/geojson2osm: Convert geojson to osm
GitHub - rgeo/rgeo-geojson: RGeo component for reading and writing GeoJSON
GitHub - rclark/osm2geojson: Streams OSM data in XML format to GeoJSON.
GitHub - project-open-data/esri2open: this repo is an ESRI toolbox and tool(s) that export ESRI Feature Classes to open data formats, CSV, JSON, and GeoJSON
GitHub - placemark/check-geojson: a checker for the geojson format. goes beyond a schema, checking semantics and producing character-level warnings.
GitHub - placemark/betterknown: modern parser & stringifier for WKT, EWKT, and GeoJSON
GitHub - perliedman/query-overpass: Make queries to OpenStreetMap's overpass API and output as GeoJSON
GitHub - opendatalab-de/geojson-jackson: GeoJson POJOs for Jackson - serialize and deserialize objects with ease
GitHub - micolous/geojsontools: Python tools for manipulating GeoJSON files
GitHub - maxogden/simplify-geojson: apply the ramer-douglas-peucker line simplification to geojson features or feature collections in JS or on the CLI
GitHub - maxogden/geojson2rtree: generate a static rtree (using terraformer) from a set of geojson features
GitHub - maxogden/geojson-js-utils: JavaScript helper functions for manipulating GeoJSON