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Townie Bot (
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Alex Hay
The personal blog of indie developer, Alex Hay
Voyager 1 Position Tracker Live |
High precision real time tracking tool for Voyager 1 which can be used identify Voyager 1 and follow its movements across deep sky stellar fields.
Pushbullet - Your devices working better together
Content, Forever
An email lottery and spiritual successor to The Listserve.
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Dino Bansigan —
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Gässjer FM - Freies Internetradio Bad Kreuznach
Power Lines Drawings – Marcus Merritt
[Conversion Output] Markdown Output - MobileRead Forums
[Conversion Output] Markdown Output Plugins
The Internet Speculative Fiction Database
WikiSplit – Google Research
Why is Midway Antique Mall allowing the sale of real (with modern stitching lol) nazi memorabilia alongside mass produced confederate flag trinkets? Do they think this is a great image?
46 votes and 58 comments so far on Reddit
22 votes and 2 comments so far on Reddit
[Tip] vCard menu guide
11 votes and 0 comments so far on Reddit
Edits Shortcuts on Mac OS
0 votes and 0 comments so far on Reddit
Transcribe a voice memo has it been done?
0 votes and 1 comment so far on Reddit
Shortcuts are being seriously mismanaged by Apple
0 votes and 2 comments so far on Reddit
0 votes and 4 comments so far on Reddit
Voting Democrat tomorrow
104 votes and 233 comments so far on Reddit
9 votes and 11 comments so far on Reddit
A project Ive been tweaking over the last year. 100% written in Pythonista.
37 votes and 5 comments so far on Reddit
Jail free python scripts copying your scripts out of pythonista
16 votes and 1 comment so far on Reddit
Help : How do i rename a file before its saved?
0 votes and 1 comment so far on Reddit