Endless Editions — History

The People You Will Wish You Had Known - Honorary Unsubscribe
Most Recent Honoree: Early in 1998, This is True author Randy Cassingham was distressed to see that not only had actor Jack Lord died, but that his death was virtually ignored in the mainstream media. Wanting to honor him somehow, Randy came up with the idea of an “honorary unsubscribe” — symbolically deleting Lord from the This is True online ... Read more
WikiJournal User Group - Wikiversity
Shortkeys (Custom Keyboard Shortcuts) - Chrome Web Store
Remember The Milk: Online to-do list and task management
Remember The Milk is the popular to-do list that's everywhere you are: from your phone, to the web, to your Google apps, and more. Used by millions worldwide.
How to Batch Rename Multiple Files in Windows
Got a bunch of files you want to rename, but don’t want to go through them each one by one? Windows provides more ways to do this than you may realize.
Gitea: Git with a cup of tea
Gitea (Git with a cup of tea) is a painless self-hosted Git service written in Go
The PARA Method: A Universal System for Organizing Digital Information - Forte Labs
Series Navigation: The P.A.R.A. MethodPARA Part 2: Operations Manual >> Imagine for a moment the perfect organizational system. One that supported and enhanced the work you do, telling you exactly where to put a piece of information, and exactly where to find it when you needed it. This system would have to be: universal, encompassing ... Read more
Journal.Bar / A Beeminder Expierment
A personal blog for self-quantification via Beeminder. Powered by Jekyll.
All DJs on aNONradio.net are members of the SDF Public Access UNIX System Community. Please join our growing online community of free software authors, teachers, librarians, students, researchers, hobbyists, computer enthusiasts, artists, musicians, and the aural and the visually impaired. We fight for and promote the distribution and development of free software and the non-commercialization of the Internet. Visit sdf.org for more information.
If Adobe made hardware!
The Ferrett And Gini's Fabulous Wedding
Lexicon (program) - Wikipedia
Easily spot the differences in text and image files. Review changes in seconds with the world's most advanced iOS and Mac diff tool.
Alfred - Productivity App for macOS
Alfred is a productivity application for macOS, which boosts your efficiency with hotkeys, keywords and text expansion. Search your Mac and the web, and control your Mac using custom actions with the Powerpack.
Nikon Coolpix 990 Review: Digital Photography Review
Probably the most eagerly anticipated digital cameras of 2000. Last year I made that statement of the Nikon Coolpix 950. This years Coolpix 9xx has already achieved the same cult status and it's not even yet available in the shops! Then why all the attention?
Read 12 Masterful Essays by Joan Didion for Free Online, Spanning Her Career From 1965 to 2013
In a classic essay of Joan Didion’s, “Goodbye to All That,” the novelist and writer breaks into her narrative—not for the first or last time—to prod her reader.
Where to find Big Boy locomotives | Trains Magazine