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Drafts: Advanced Logging
Drafts: Advanced Logging
When developing JavaScript for drafts, logging to the console or using well-placed alerts and other visual indicators can be useful for what is going on, but a more advanced logging solution can make things much easier. The latest update to the ThoughtAsylum Drafts Library includes a new class that provides functionality to help Drafts action creators with their testing.
Drafts: Advanced Logging
2021-10-11 DraftsのPreviewsフォルダとObsidianのassetsフォルダを利用して、Draftsアプリで画像付きメモの下書きも可能に - めモらンだム・ヤード
2021-10-11 DraftsのPreviewsフォルダとObsidianのassetsフォルダを利用して、Draftsアプリで画像付きメモの下書きも可能に - めモらンだム・ヤード
技術的背景達 Obsidianでの画像の参照 Obsidianの保管庫(vault)直下に画像ファイルなども入れてしまうと、ファイル エクスプローラの表示がゴチャゴチャとしてしまう。 幸いassetsというサブフォルダがあり、その中にそれらノート以外のファイルを入れておける。 そこに保管されたファイルは 、「![[abc.png]] 」で表示される。(本来は「![[assets/abc.png]]」とする必要があるはず) もちろんMarkdownの書式である「![](abc.png)」でも表示される。 ※添付ファイルが保存される先は設定で変更できる。 Draftsの画像の参照 他のテキストファ…
2021-10-11 DraftsのPreviewsフォルダとObsidianのassetsフォルダを利用して、Draftsアプリで画像付きメモの下書きも可能に - めモらンだム・ヤード
Using Drafts Templates - Integration Guides - Drafts Community
Using Drafts Templates - Integration Guides - Drafts Community
Template Basics Drafts actions consist of “steps.” Action steps are available for a wide range of functions and services: Sending messages, mail, saving files, and much more. Regardless of the purpose of the step, any step that output information has some fields that allow you to control what text the step uses, and (with a few minor exceptions) use templates to dynamically generate that text. If you have poked around in the action editor and wondered what some of those [[title]] and [[body]] ...
Using Drafts Templates - Integration Guides - Drafts Community
Using Drafts with Obsidian
Using Drafts with Obsidian
Obsidian Website URL Scheme: obsidian:// URL Scheme Documentation Disclaimer: We are not Obsidian experts! This guide is meant to get people started with the basics of using Drafts with Obsidian. Feel free to expand on these ideas, or let us know if we’ve missed something important. Obsidian is a popular personal knowledge management application that focuses on organizing and cross-linking Markdown files. Drafts works nicely as a capture front-end for Obsidian. This article covers met...
Using Drafts with Obsidian