Action collecting the missed calls of the dayIs it possible to make such action which collects missed calls from given day. Something similar to calendar import action.Action collecting the missed calls of the day
Mustache TemplatesDocumentation for Drafts app, a quick-capture note taking app for iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple Watch.#Documentation#Drafts#JavaScriptMustache Templates
MustacheTemplate | Drafts Script ReferenceDocumentation for Drafts Script Reference#Drafts#Drafts Directory#API#CLIMustacheTemplate | Drafts Script Reference
Drafts Directory: Capture with BearExample actions and other extensions for Drafts, the quick-capture notes app.Upon returning to Drafts, a markdown-formatted hyperlink to the Bear note is placed at the cursor.*This* is the key reason I decided to publish this action despite the handful of others on the directory that make use of Bearβs grab-url function.#Bear#Drafts#Drafts Directory#Automation#Scrape#Configuration#David BlueDrafts Directory: Capture with Bear
Drafts Directory: OutdentExample actions and other extensions for Drafts, the quick-capture notes app.Drafts Directory: Outdent
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Drafts Directory: FindExample actions and other extensions for Drafts, the quick-capture notes app.Drafts Directory: Find
Drafts Directory: Move rightExample actions and other extensions for Drafts, the quick-capture notes app.Drafts Directory: Move right
Drafts Directory: Move leftExample actions and other extensions for Drafts, the quick-capture notes app.Drafts Directory: Move left
Drafts Directory: UndoExample actions and other extensions for Drafts, the quick-capture notes app.Drafts Directory: Undo
Drafts Directory: Toggle TasksExample actions and other extensions for Drafts, the quick-capture notes app.Drafts Directory: Toggle Tasks
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Drafts Directory: Share Link to DraftExample actions and other extensions for Drafts, the quick-capture notes app.Drafts Directory: Share Link to Draft
Drafts Directory: MessageExample actions and other extensions for Drafts, the quick-capture notes app.Drafts Directory: Message
Drafts Directory: MailExample actions and other extensions for Drafts, the quick-capture notes app.Drafts Directory: Mail
Drafts Directory: Markdown Header (#)Example actions and other extensions for Drafts, the quick-capture notes app.Drafts Directory: Markdown Header (#)
Drafts Directory: CopyExample actions and other extensions for Drafts, the quick-capture notes app.Drafts Directory: Copy
Drafts Directory: Markdown MailExample actions and other extensions for Drafts, the quick-capture notes app.Drafts Directory: Markdown Mail
Drafts Directory: New with Template & TagsExample actions and other extensions for Drafts, the quick-capture notes app.Drafts Directory: New with Template & Tags
Drafts Directory: Markdown ListExample actions and other extensions for Drafts, the quick-capture notes app.Drafts Directory: Markdown List
Drafts Directory: Send to BearExample actions and other extensions for Drafts, the quick-capture notes app.Drafts Directory: Send to Bear
Drafts Directory: Send to DEVONthinkExample actions and other extensions for Drafts, the quick-capture notes app.Drafts Directory: Send to DEVONthink
Drafts Directory: Send to Drafts 4Example actions and other extensions for Drafts, the quick-capture notes app.Drafts Directory: Send to Drafts 4
Drafts Directory: Send to Interact ScratchpadExample actions and other extensions for Drafts, the quick-capture notes app.Drafts Directory: Send to Interact Scratchpad
Drafts Directory: Tweet with Twitter appExample actions and other extensions for Drafts, the quick-capture notes app.Drafts Directory: Tweet with Twitter app
Drafts Directory: Tweet with TwitterrificExample actions and other extensions for Drafts, the quick-capture notes app.Drafts Directory: Tweet with Twitterrific
Drafts Directory: Tweet with TweetbotExample actions and other extensions for Drafts, the quick-capture notes app.Drafts Directory: Tweet with Tweetbot
Drafts Directory: Lookup in TerminologyExample actions and other extensions for Drafts, the quick-capture notes app.Drafts Directory: Lookup in Terminology
Drafts Directory: Day OneExample actions and other extensions for Drafts, the quick-capture notes app.Drafts Directory: Day One