Found 1068 bookmarks
Lapsed Auto Writer and self-described Software Historian. My Drafts-specific GitHub repo for documentation and config stuff. Actions Fetch contents of # Tot Dot | Drafts Directory Send Draft to Telegram Saved Messages | Drafts Directory Append to 7th Tot Dot | Drafts Directory List Action Shortcuts, Comma-Delimited | Drafts Directory Markdown Footnote (Variation) | Drafts Directory Markdown Emphasis (*) | Drafts Directory Embed Action Groups NeoCities | Drafts Directory Themes The Psa...
Lapsed Auto Writer and self-described Software Historian. My Drafts-specific GitHub repo for documentation and config stuff. Actions Fetch contents of # Tot Dot | Drafts Directory Send Draft to Telegram Saved Messages | Drafts Directory Append to 7th Tot Dot | Drafts Directory List Action Shortcuts, Comma-Delimited | Drafts Directory Markdown Footnote (Variation) | Drafts Directory Markdown Emphasis (*) | Drafts Directory Embed Action Groups NeoCities | Drafts Directory Themes The Psa...
Lapsed Auto Writer and self-described Software Historian. My Drafts-specific GitHub repo for documentation and config stuff. Actions Fetch contents of # Tot Dot | Drafts Directory Send Draft to Telegram Saved Messages | Drafts Directory Append to 7th Tot Dot | Drafts Directory List Action Shortcuts, Comma-Delimited | Drafts Directory Markdown Footnote (Variation) | Drafts Directory Markdown Emphasis (*) | Drafts Directory Embed Action Groups NeoCities | Drafts Directory Themes The Psa...
Lapsed Auto Writer and self-described Software Historian. My Drafts-specific GitHub repo for documentation and config stuff. Actions Fetch contents of # Tot Dot | Drafts Directory Send Draft to Telegram Saved Messages | Drafts Directory Append to 7th Tot Dot | Drafts Directory List Action Shortcuts, Comma-Delimited | Drafts Directory Markdown Footnote (Variation) | Drafts Directory Markdown Emphasis (*) | Drafts Directory Embed Action Groups NeoCities | Drafts Directory Themes The Psa...
David Blue on the Drafts Forum
David Blue on the Drafts Forum
Lapsed Auto Writer and self-described Software Historian. My Drafts-specific GitHub repo for documentation and config stuff. Actions Fetch contents of # Tot Dot | Drafts Directory Send Draft to Telegram Saved Messages | Drafts Directory Append to 7th Tot Dot | Drafts Directory List Action Shortcuts, Comma-Delimited | Drafts Directory Markdown Footnote (Variation) | Drafts Directory Markdown Emphasis (*) | Drafts Directory Embed Action Groups NeoCities | Drafts Directory Themes The Psa...
David Blue on the Drafts Forum
Worth submitting this problematic Draft as a bug report?
Worth submitting this problematic Draft as a bug report?
I’ve been working on composing a longform post for the first time in Drafts, which has resulted in a near-5000-word, embed-heavy Draft with some 186 versions that now crashes the app (iPhone 12 Pro Max running iOS 14.5 Beta 8.) I’ve tried: Purging iCloud transactions (which appeared to work ~1500 words ago but isn’t currently.) Duplicating the Draft (it crashes the app too.) Copying the Draft’s contents and pasting into a new Draft (which also crashes the app.) Clearing my handset’s RAM Reboo...
Worth submitting this problematic Draft as a bug report?
Script Error: SyntaxError: JSON Parse error: Unexpected identifier "drafts" Line number: 53, Column 35
Script Error: SyntaxError: JSON Parse error: Unexpected identifier "drafts" Line number: 53, Column 35
I was still having issues with a few actions - namely the ones that export keyboard shortcuts… but I’m almost positive I have the definite fix. A total of 5 changes to tad.js. Idk how useful the Working Copy commit output below might be, but drafts5 was still present on lines: 16 7233 7643 7707 7718 #64 1cf16d7 From 1cf16d7a42c69034eb3b01bf7a4a1e1a3dbb25cb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: David Blue Date: Sat, 21 May 2022 09:3...
Script Error: SyntaxError: JSON Parse error: Unexpected identifier "drafts" Line number: 53, Column 35
Represent Nothing (null) in Actions
Represent Nothing (null) in Actions
I’ve come to love and depend upon my Clear Clipboard action as the single simplest/quickest way to clear my iPhone’s system clipboard with a paired keyboard shortcut. It uses a single, empty clipboard action. Since either 32.0 or 32.1, however, it appears that empty templates are now automatically filled with [[draft]]. As you can imagine, this managed to confuse the heck out of me for an embarrassingly long time before I realized what was happening. I appreciate looking out but - if I may - I ...
Represent Nothing (null) in Actions
Re-sharing another’s de-listed theme to the Directory?
Re-sharing another’s de-listed theme to the Directory?
I’ve found myself in possession of a drafts theme entitled “Black & Yellow” which has apparently become homeless. It’s actually been one of my favorite dark themes in the past few months. I’m just wondering: was this a default theme? Would anyone like to claim it? And if not… would it be inappropriate for me to put it back on the Directory with this explanation?
Re-sharing another’s de-listed theme to the Directory?
Question regarding TADpooLe
Question regarding TADpooLe
For one thing, I just want to say that this is 110% a legitimate, reasonable, and constructive question to ask here! I can’t speak for Stephen, but - as a relatively longtime user of his library - I think I might have some worthwhile touchpoints depending on how long you’ve used Drafts, itself. I know you sorta mentioned it, but one great comfort you can take regarding privacy in Drafts is that - basically without exception - actions with external integration have to ask you for credentials bef...
Question regarding TADpooLe
Posting to Mastodon from Drafts (Native Action Service)
Posting to Mastodon from Drafts (Native Action Service)
I realize this is probably a big ask, but I was wondering how possible it’d be to see native services integration for actions with Mastodon in the near future. I’m not a developer - so what I’m about to speculate might be BS - but I would think it’d be pretty easy given how thoroughly documented Mastodon’s API is + perhaps even that the infrastructure, itself is coded in Ruby?
Posting to Mastodon from Drafts (Native Action Service)
Lost control of group in Directory ; how to retrieve it?
Lost control of group in Directory ; how to retrieve it?
I’ve always wondered this too. After posting, Drafts will keep a secret reference, and the same item can be updated to fix issues or update the description - or it can be removed from the Directory. Only the user who originally posted the action can update or remove it – though the identifier and secret will be synced through iCloud. And now… I happened to have caused the same issue for myself again.
Lost control of group in Directory ; how to retrieve it?
Keyboard shortcuts on iPad?
Keyboard shortcuts on iPad?
To be honest, I had been fiddling with them so much, my plan was to just reconfigure them one-by-one if/when I ended up clearing them with an update but this solution is far too smart to ignore lol. Thank you! The list you see above was exported with the latter (TAD-List Action Shortcuts,) which lists the name of the action first, then the command. TAD-Export Action Shortcut Keys is identical as far as can tell except it lists the commands first, then the action. I thought there was a third ...
Keyboard shortcuts on iPad?
Keyboard shortcuts on iPad?
Keyboard shortcuts on iPad?
This is definitely the place to start, but Drafts is incredibly unique on iOS in that you can pretty much customize keyboard shortcuts entirely, by way of custom shortcuts per Action. The best way to illustrate this might be to simply share my current list of keyboard shortcuts, which I’ve also published in a GitHub Gist. Embed Element: ⌥A Strikethrough: ⌥S The Psalms Custom Preview: ⌘P TAD-Trash Note: ⌃- TAD-Toggle Last Two Modified Drafts: ⌃⇥ TAD-Load Previous Workspace: ⌥⌘← TAD-Lo...
Keyboard shortcuts on iPad?
Keyboard shortcuts on iPad?
Keyboard shortcuts on iPad?
Are you on iPhone (iOS,) iPadOS, or macOS? Just did a brief test: ⌘ + ⌥ + ⇧, ⇩ On macOS: When Inbox is in focus, navigates between the beginning and end of the list. In the editor and when the Actions List is in focus, macOS gives me the “nope” sound. On iOS (iPhone 12 PM): I was not able to get the shortcut to respond whatsoever.
Keyboard shortcuts on iPad?
iOS Shortcut "Run Action with Text" (magic variable?)
iOS Shortcut "Run Action with Text" (magic variable?)
Specifically, I was hoping to add a function to my “Collect References” Shortcut (which outputs all hyperlinks from a given article/webpage as a list of raw URLs) which grabs titles for each respective URL and formats them as proper Markdown links ([title](url)) using this “Replace URLS by MD Links” Drafts action from the action directory. As per the screenshot below, I suppose I’m looking for the correct action in place of “Copy to Clipboard” which handles the result of said Drafts action, if ...
iOS Shortcut "Run Action with Text" (magic variable?)
iOS Shortcut "Run Action with Text" (magic variable?)
iOS Shortcut "Run Action with Text" (magic variable?)
(Hopefully I’m reviving this thread in a way that might prove useful to others.) I understand that the task the OP was hoping to accomplish can be done without Drafts, but regarding this quote about the “Run Action with Text” Shortcuts action, I’d just ask: how? As in, how exactly would I go about getting the action’s output into the clipboard/a file/a fetchable draft/etc? Apologies if I’m missing something here… and thank you!
iOS Shortcut "Run Action with Text" (magic variable?)
Index by Tag with Drafts Open Links via Siri Shortcuts
Index by Tag with Drafts Open Links via Siri Shortcuts
Howdy folks. I’ve published a few Drafts-specific Siri Shortcuts on RoutineHub over the (now) years, but I’ve come to realize that one in particular - called List .md Drafts Open Links by Tag - might provide a function not so easily serviced by native actions, especially on iOS. I think I’ve also unintentionally stumbled upon the fastest method by far of simply listing all drafts by a single tag aside from a dedicated workspace configured to do so. The end result looks like this - an unordered ...
Index by Tag with Drafts Open Links via Siri Shortcuts
I have too many drafts to handle!
I have too many drafts to handle!
Well shucks! For one thing, I’m flattered, @FlohGro that someone of your familiarity/potency with Drafts would be curious about my setup hehe. I’ve been writing a lot about Drafts recently, but something as straight up as “How I Manage Drafts” sounds like something I should start right now! As of this moment, there’s quite a bit of raw evidence of my configuration available publicly on the web. is the main index of an experiment I’ve been doing using my NeoCities actions. ...
I have too many drafts to handle!
I have too many drafts to handle!
I have too many drafts to handle!
To be honest, brilliantly! In so many different ways! It’s one of the reasons I love/depend on Drafts so much - it’s the only space in which I feel completely free to create as many or as few separate notes/“files” as I need without consequence. (And yet I have comfortably drafted notes over 15000 words before.) If you’re interested/if it’d be of help, I’m more than willing to go over some of the particulars of what I mean either here or privately if you’d like. My contact info can be found on m...
I have too many drafts to handle!