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Update All Actions - Feature Requests - Drafts Community
Update All Actions - Feature Requests - Drafts Community
Forgive me if this question has already been addressed here and/or within the documentation, but I was unable to find anything with a search. I was wondering how difficult it would be to implement a function within Drafts that checks the current installed version of all Actions with the latest version available in the Action Directory and offers an option to update all outdated actions in bulk.
Update All Actions - Feature Requests - Drafts Community
Color Hound - Extract hex and CSS colors from CSS, Text, HTML, and more!
Color Hound - Extract hex and CSS colors from CSS, Text, HTML, and more!
Color Hound extracts color information from any text. It extracts color from CSS, HTML, or any other text source where the color can be identified in accordance with the css2/css3 specification. In general this means that it will extract multiple formats of hexadecimal color representation as well as valid html/css color names. The extraction does not depend on any specific syntax formatting of the overall file or text.
Color Hound - Extract hex and CSS colors from CSS, Text, HTML, and more!
2021-10-11 DraftsのPreviewsフォルダとObsidianのassetsフォルダを利用して、Draftsアプリで画像付きメモの下書きも可能に - めモらンだム・ヤード
2021-10-11 DraftsのPreviewsフォルダとObsidianのassetsフォルダを利用して、Draftsアプリで画像付きメモの下書きも可能に - めモらンだム・ヤード
技術的背景達 Obsidianでの画像の参照 Obsidianの保管庫(vault)直下に画像ファイルなども入れてしまうと、ファイル エクスプローラの表示がゴチャゴチャとしてしまう。 幸いassetsというサブフォルダがあり、その中にそれらノート以外のファイルを入れておける。 そこに保管されたファイルは 、「![[abc.png]] 」で表示される。(本来は「![[assets/abc.png]]」とする必要があるはず) もちろんMarkdownの書式である「![](abc.png)」でも表示される。 ※添付ファイルが保存される先は設定で変更できる。 Draftsの画像の参照 他のテキストファ…
2021-10-11 DraftsのPreviewsフォルダとObsidianのassetsフォルダを利用して、Draftsアプリで画像付きメモの下書きも可能に - めモらンだム・ヤード
TIP: Using Shortcuts to Route Tagged Drafts - Tips & Tricks - Drafts Community
TIP: Using Shortcuts to Route Tagged Drafts - Tips & Tricks - Drafts Community
Apple’s Shortcuts app has received significant updates in iOS 13, and the latest version of Drafts is ready for those updates with powerful shortcuts actions that allow you to search and modify content in Drafts from Shortcuts. Combine these new powers with the Shortcuts “Automations” feature, and you can schedule shortcuts to run automatically in the background based on a variety of triggers. This tip provides an example workflow to use Shortcuts to route drafts from your Drafts inbox to Remind...
TIP: Using Shortcuts to Route Tagged Drafts - Tips & Tricks - Drafts Community
MacStories Interviews: Greg Pierce
MacStories Interviews: Greg Pierce
In our ongoing series of interviews with developers and creators in the Apple community, I had the chance to talk with Greg Pierce, founder of Agile Tortoise. Greg makes some of our favorite iOS apps here at MacStories, namely Drafts and Terminology. Greg is also the man behind x-callback-url, an inter-app communication spec that I’ve
MacStories Interviews: Greg Pierce
Using Drafts Templates - Integration Guides - Drafts Community
Using Drafts Templates - Integration Guides - Drafts Community
Template Basics Drafts actions consist of “steps.” Action steps are available for a wide range of functions and services: Sending messages, mail, saving files, and much more. Regardless of the purpose of the step, any step that output information has some fields that allow you to control what text the step uses, and (with a few minor exceptions) use templates to dynamically generate that text. If you have poked around in the action editor and wondered what some of those [[title]] and [[body]] ...
Using Drafts Templates - Integration Guides - Drafts Community
Flexible Packing List in Drafts
Flexible Packing List in Drafts
Recently, I created a shortcut for the Club MacStories Discord as part of the Automation Academy. If you’re not a member, I highly recommend doing so. This shortcut was in response to the lat…
Flexible Packing List in Drafts
MacStories Selects 2019: Recognizing the Best Apps of the Year
MacStories Selects 2019: Recognizing the Best Apps of the Year
John: The process of picking the MacStories Selects awards is simple. During the past year as we used and reviewed hundreds of apps, Federico, Ryan, and I kept a shared note in Apple Notes with a list of the apps that struck us as potential candidates for one of our 2019 awards. Not long ago,
MacStories Selects 2019: Recognizing the Best Apps of the Year