

Need Spark Action that Sends Copies
Need Spark Action that Sends Copies
Here’s this morning’s response from Readdle: Thank you so much for your emails and provided information. Let me apologize for the misunderstanding. I’ve just double-checked the information with our Quality Assurance team and would like to let you know the URL scheme, indeed, is available in Spark. However, the new line characters in the body text feature is not supported at the moment. Please be assured that I’ve added your kind request to our Wish List for the developers to look through an...
Need Spark Action that Sends Copies
Need Spark Action that Sends Copies
Need Spark Action that Sends Copies
Please excuse me if I’m posting this in the wrong area of the Community. I much prefer Spark over Mail. Mail is very well supported by Drafts via the Mail Action Step, but I’m having trouble finding a similar level of support for Spark. Yes, there are four Actions for Spark in the directory, but none of them enables all the parameters of Spark’s x-callback-url scheme: subject, body, to, cc, and bcc. Specially, I need support for all these parameters other than bcc. How do I write my own Act...
Need Spark Action that Sends Copies
List of Apps with x-callback-url spec
List of Apps with x-callback-url spec
Exactly! I had included it in a seperate list of Apps with unverified x-callback-url support. I’ve noticed that it’s still quite common for people to mix up URL schemes with x-callback-urls. There are also some developers / bloggers who mix these up in their own documentation or write-ups, so I get why this is confusing.
List of Apps with x-callback-url spec
List of Apps with x-callback-url spec
List of Apps with x-callback-url spec
I’m new here and this is my first post on the Drafts community forum. Drafts has a rich and extensive documentation on it’s functionality and various use-cases, including integration of x-callback-url. The official x-callback-url website introduced a list of (third-party) Apps that support the specification. Throughout the years, several attempts have been made by members of the community to update / document the list of Apps. I.e One Tap Less_https://onetapless.com/library AppTalk_https:/...
List of Apps with x-callback-url spec
iPad iOS Widget - Running Action and Cursor Placement
iPad iOS Widget - Running Action and Cursor Placement
I think I figured it out. I used this thread to work out which parts to edit from the “New Draft from Template” action - Using prompt results in New Draft with Template After looking at that, I commented (added “//“ before each like) out the code to be disabled like that person suggested. The script now looks like the below. I’m sure this looks terrible to anyone with experience, but I’m pleased it’s working! I guess I can now delete all the commented code. Here’s the script: //modified from...
iPad iOS Widget - Running Action and Cursor Placement
iPad iOS Widget - Running Action and Cursor Placement
iPad iOS Widget - Running Action and Cursor Placement
Hi I have created a simple “insert text” action to create a template dated note. Essentially as follows: Title Created: “[[date]]” Body text When running the action within drafts, the cursor appears where I need it to - before the word “Body” in the example above. That allows me to immediately create the content of my note. When running the action from the iOS widget, however, the cursor doesn’t appear until I press on the screen. Is there a fix for that, or am I doing something wrong? Ma...
iPad iOS Widget - Running Action and Cursor Placement
Insert Text From Other Drafts
Insert Text From Other Drafts
As an update, the auto complete functionality worked great! I now have another query, but I will start a new topic.
Insert Text From Other Drafts
Insert Text From Other Drafts
Insert Text From Other Drafts
Hi everyone, Is it possible to insert text from another draft through an action? My use case: I keep various templates in one workspace within Drafts (meeting note, literature note, etc…) and would like to have actions to retrieve the content of a specific template and insert it into the current draft. Is this possible? I know, Drafts has a template system to retrieve template files from within the Finder/Files App but I would like to use Drafts itself as a repo for my templates because that...
Insert Text From Other Drafts
HTTP Post data in raw?
HTTP Post data in raw?
Hi, sorry for the misleading. I’ll give it a try again. 😀
HTTP Post data in raw?
HTTP Post data in raw?
HTTP Post data in raw?
As far as I known the HTTP | Drafts Script Reference (getdrafts.com) request only accepts json or form for data. In my case the server needs raw. (I’m playing with Zotero web api). Similar question seems to be there but no answers. Can I ‘POST’ Raw Data to a Web API? - Scripting - Drafts Community (getdrafts.com)
HTTP Post data in raw?
How I Use Drafts - How Do You? (Feedback appreciated)
How I Use Drafts - How Do You? (Feedback appreciated)
I’ve been using Drafts awhile but never as the place where text starts. Since we gained the ability to use wikilinks I created what I really wanted in Drafts which was what I call connected notes. They rely on tags, workspaces, and actions to send some of the content on sometimes to Ulysses or Day One. For my use Drafts works very well for managing my little connected world of notes. Now with the wikilinks and being able to create really cool links like for workspaces I get a lot of use from the...
How I Use Drafts - How Do You? (Feedback appreciated)
How I Use Drafts - How Do You? (Feedback appreciated)
How I Use Drafts - How Do You? (Feedback appreciated)
Drafts is my #2 most used app … behind email, and best follows the theme ‘capture first - process later’. I don’t, however, leverage many actions for text, posting to apps, email, etc. it’s primarily my note pad for everything! I use it for: … creating initial content for email, text, docs as my ‘capture first’ and then I finalize (then copy/paste) … I do use 2 actions - Add to List (I have 8 lists) and Day One Journal … My ‘Add to List’ action includes: 1) All Ideas capture; 2) Daily Journal...
How I Use Drafts - How Do You? (Feedback appreciated)
Editing JavaScript
Editing JavaScript
Similar to @sylumer, I do most of my script development outside of Drafts, and I try as much as possible to do it entirely on my Mac. If I’m doing it on my i*OS device, then will put the script in the body of a draft and use an action to execute that body. For me, I leverage the FileBookmark feature agiletortoise enabled a few releases ago to point to my local git repo. The script is as such: let bookmark = Bookmark.findOrCreate("git"); let fm = FileManager.createForBookmark(bookmark); let c...
Editing JavaScript
Editing JavaScript
Editing JavaScript
What tools are people using to create and edit Actions, i.e., write and edit JavaScript in Drafts? I’m going crazy doing it within Drafts on my iPhone. (Sorry if this question should have been posted in a different portion of the Community. 🥺)
Editing JavaScript
Dictation in Mac OS drafts doesn't work with bluetooth mic
Dictation in Mac OS drafts doesn't work with bluetooth mic
I powered up my Parrot Bluetooth headset and was able to dictate directly into Drafts for at least a paragraph. I did have to click the button on the headset to get it to start. It stopped as soon as I hit a keyboard key, which makes sense.
Dictation in Mac OS drafts doesn't work with bluetooth mic
Dictation in Mac OS drafts doesn't work with bluetooth mic
Dictation in Mac OS drafts doesn't work with bluetooth mic
I use dictation increasingly on iOS and also on Mac desktop — where I have encountered an unexpected behaviour. I can use a wired mic into the MacBook headphone socket and it works fine. My preferred way is to use a bluetooth mic on a headset. It works well with the conventional Apple fn-fn- dictation (which however fades out unpredictably) but the Drafts version of dictation, generally much more reliable, doesn’t appear to recognise a bluetooth mic (I have tried more than one). I have looked ...
Dictation in Mac OS drafts doesn't work with bluetooth mic
Clearing Tags and Adding New Tags Without a Prompt
Clearing Tags and Adding New Tags Without a Prompt
I have an action that copies the Draft contents to the clipboard, adds a tag and archives the Draft. Straightforward - nothing fancy… What I am trying to do, to no avail is: Remove the tag associated with the draft prior to invoking the Action. So the new tag is the only tag on the draft. Currently - the new tag is being set… but the old tag remains. I’ve tried Remove Tag via TAD… Namchuk and Agile Tortoises… None have achieved the desired effect… I do not want a prompt to do this… it’s...
Clearing Tags and Adding New Tags Without a Prompt
Automating Drafts with Keysmith app
Automating Drafts with Keysmith app
I notice that Keysmith hasn’t been mentioned in the community, so I wanted to give it a plug. Note: I’m not connected with the developer; I’m just a Drafts user who likes easy ways to make things easy. Keysmith creates macros by recording what the user is doing, including clicks on web apps and Drafts actions if they are visible in the sidebar. The macros can be assigned hotkeys, or called up by URL (which I use through Alfred). Example use case: I made a macro that creates a new Draft note fro...
Automating Drafts with Keysmith app
Automatically run actions when tags are added
Automatically run actions when tags are added
Found this thread while I was searching for a similar quick solution. I use Drafts Pro on both iOS and MAC, usually to “brain dumb” lots of things; some to-dos, others are movies to watch, tweets copy, meetings notes…etc. Almost each type of draft have certain actions to it to do something. The pivotal part, is that I rarely create drafts via the Drafts app - usually either Siri/shortcuts or Alfred on Mac or other tools. Having said that, here comes the idea of “How to automate triggering act...
Automatically run actions when tags are added
Automatically run actions when tags are added
Automatically run actions when tags are added
Been using drafts for about a year, and it’s quickly become one of my most used ios apps. Haven’t been able to find the answer, but is there a way to trigger actions based on tags? For example, if I’m reading in safari, and share to drafts and add a tag for omnifocus, could it trigger an appropriate app? Thanks!
Automatically run actions when tags are added
Auto transcribe new voice memo in Drafts
Auto transcribe new voice memo in Drafts
I am looking for a way to use the transcribing feature in Drafts (Transcribing Audio & Video - Drafts User Guide) to automatically transcribe audio memos. The dream is to have a process like: Pressing record in Apple Voice Memos → making the recording → pressing stop → Drafts automaticly triggers and starts transcribing the audio. Additionally it would be nice if the finished draft included a link to the audio file in iCloud. I have tied playing around with it in Shortcuts, but can’t really ...
Auto transcribe new voice memo in Drafts
Append to current draft
Append to current draft
Just to note it might not be necessary to alter the original draft. Perhaps this new text is something you actually want in the draft, but if it is just meta-data you are adding for the benefit of whatever other app or service you are targeting, you might just have the action include that text via templates, and not actually insert it in the original text.
Append to current draft
Append to current draft
Append to current draft
I borrowed an action from the library and rejiggered it to append a link in an existing draft note to the active note. It works, but I want the result to remain as the active note, so I can pass it to another action. Here is my current script: let f = () => { // select an existing draft let d = Draft.find(“01AB846B-FA59-4D98-91B2-E7F52DBE3C63”); if (!d) { return false; } // append current draft draft.content = draft.content + " " + d.content; draft.update(); return true; } if (!f()) { ...
Append to current draft
An Alfred Workflow for Drafts
An Alfred Workflow for Drafts
v1.8.0 is now available. It includes a fix as notified by @Richard_Cool, as well as a few additions to the diagnostics and a new option to copy a workspace’s URL to the clipboard. I have also deprecated the Drafts beta related flows as Drafts beta testing on macOS is now managed via Testflight. Launching these will now take you to the beta programme page.
An Alfred Workflow for Drafts
Action to open random draft
Action to open random draft
It’s actually a lot simpler than my original hehe. Here’s what I came up with. I’m going to assume you’ve got less than 999 drafts in your library.
Action to open random draft
Action to open random draft
Action to open random draft
Do you know how to make an action to randomly open drafts from inbox space?
Action to open random draft
Action collecting the missed calls of the day
Action collecting the missed calls of the day
There is nothing in Drafts to access the phone app’s call log. I am not even sure Apple would have something like that in their public API for use by third party developers - it might be a bit of a security concern as that is the sort of thing that other parties could find quite useful to exfiltrate - knowing who you talked to, when, and for how long.
Action collecting the missed calls of the day