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Using TextExpander with Drafts - Integration Guides - Drafts Community
Using TextExpander with Drafts - Integration Guides - Drafts Community
Template Basics Drafts actions consist of “steps.” Action steps are available for a wide range of functions and services: Sending messages, mail, saving files, and much more. Regardless of the purpose of the step, any step that output information has some fields that allow you to control what text the step uses, and (with a few minor exceptions) use templates to dynamically generate that text. If you have poked around in the action editor and wondered what some of those [[title]] and [[body]] ...
Using TextExpander with Drafts - Integration Guides - Drafts Community
Rebuilding Drafts
Rebuilding Drafts
I’ve been a long-time user of Drafts, but my subscription is due to expire next month and I have been thinking that I’d let it go. I’ve been using Tot more these days, and Drafts had become an intimidating mess that I didn’t enjoy using. However, after listening to a Mac Power Users podcast featuring the Drafts app and an interview with its developer, and then reading a blog post by Jason Burk about his Drafts setup (plus a personal conversation with him), I realised that it wasn’t necessarily Drafts that was the problem - it was what I had done to it.
Rebuilding Drafts
FlohGro on Twitter
FlohGro on Twitter
Launching a Raycast extension for Drafts 🚀 I spent some time to build and publish a @raycastapp extension for @draftsapp. If you use both apps this will really speed up some workflows for you 🏎 Download 🔽 the Drafts extension directly from the Raycast Store 🔎 https://t.co/Jt2n7GTXTi
FlohGro on Twitter