

What Is Mastodon and Will It Kill Twitter?
What Is Mastodon and Will It Kill Twitter?
Calm down, tweeps. Mastodon is intriguing, but Twitter isn't going anywhere just yet. If you're intrigued, though, here's what you need to know about Mastodon.
What Is Mastodon and Will It Kill Twitter?
Star Trek: Fuck
Star Trek: Fuck
Star Trek Discovery Discovery is pushing boundaries, but for what purpose? Discovery may no longer be new - not even the newest Star Tr...
Star Trek: Fuck
The Decentralized Web
The Decentralized Web
The Web is a key space for civic debate and the current battleground for protecting freedom of expression. And yet, it has steadily evolved into an ecosystem of large, corporate-controlled mega-platforms. This report evaluates the potential for new technologies to enable shifts toward decentralizati
The Decentralized Web
Three Years of Good Reads
Three Years of Good Reads
by David Blue Looking back on the Extratone Reading List Three Years of Good Reads - The Extratone Reading List Since the beginning of...
Three Years of Good Reads
Why Mastodon Can’t Fail
Why Mastodon Can’t Fail
If you’ve been following the world of tech news, then you’ve probably heard of Mastodon. The hottest fad that, according to most, is…
Why Mastodon Can’t Fail
Many of you know the story of Fosstodon, but there are many of you who don't. Now seems like an appropriate time to tell this story a...
Twitter's New Feature
Twitter's New Feature
Day 26 of the #100DaysToOffload Series: Today Twitter Support announced a new feature that just might sound a little familiar to people ...
Twitter's New Feature
Can we save social media from Facebook?
Can we save social media from Facebook?
Facebook has been battered by bad-news stories. Still, we need to keep social media – which has been woven into our society, and is intrinsic to human instincts – alive
Can we save social media from Facebook?
What happened to Mastodon after its moment in the spotlight?
What happened to Mastodon after its moment in the spotlight?
In early April, open-source social platform Mastodon had its 15 minutes of fame. The service has been compared ad nauseam to Twitter, from which it borrows its basic structure: short messages from...
What happened to Mastodon after its moment in the spotlight?
Review Progress Updates and Social Links
Review Progress Updates and Social Links
## I'm working on car reviews again(!) and I'd like to invite you to join me on mastd.racing. Aston Martin DBR9 in London It&#3...
Review Progress Updates and Social Links