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Spark E-Mail / OmniFocus
Spark E-Mail / OmniFocus
Good Morning, I currently spend a ton of time every morning exporting all of my email from Spark to my OmniFocus inbox. Currently the only way...
Spark E-Mail / OmniFocus
Storing Array with Data Jar
Storing Array with Data Jar
What is the best practice way with Data Jar to store an array of text values? I am logging foods with timestamps. The foods at a given time are...
Storing Array with Data Jar
iOS URL scheme?
iOS URL scheme?
On iOS, 'telegram://' will launch the app. This is handy for things like Launch Center Pro. Are there other parameters in this URL scheme that...
iOS URL scheme?
Light/Dark Wallpaper
Light/Dark Wallpaper
REQUIRES 14.3 BETA This shortcut allows you to setup a light mode wallpaper and dark mode wallpaper. Simply running this shortcut will change...
Light/Dark Wallpaper