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Seinfield Music Shortcut
Seinfield Music Shortcut
Can someone pleaaaase make a shortcut that plays a laugh track and then the seinfield theme song it would be SO USEFUL!!!!!
Seinfield Music Shortcut
To All Working Individuals
To All Working Individuals
I’m just a small human in this city and I know it probably doesn’t mean a lot but I wanted to say that if you’ve been working with the public from...
To All Working Individuals
A PSA for anyone in this subreddit who doesnt know about Coopers Landing: Its a great place to just hang out and relax. My wife and I have been loving just hanging out and drinking beer by the river there this fall. And a special shout out to Rodney for keeping the fire going for us tonight!
A PSA for anyone in this subreddit who doesnt know about Coopers Landing: Its a great place to just hang out and relax. My wife and I have been loving just hanging out and drinking beer by the river there this fall. And a special shout out to Rodney for keeping the fire going for us tonight!
Posted in r/columbiamo by u/benja1976 • 110 points and 24 comments
A PSA for anyone in this subreddit who doesnt know about Coopers Landing: Its a great place to just hang out and relax. My wife and I have been loving just hanging out and drinking beer by the river there this fall. And a special shout out to Rodney for keeping the fire going for us tonight!