HP HP ENVY TE01-0xxx - Geekbench BrowserBenchmark results for a HP HP ENVY TE01-0xxx with an Intel Core i7-8700 processor.#Benchmark#HILDUR#Microsoft Windows#TestingHP HP ENVY TE01-0xxx - Geekbench Browser
Surface Laptop 4 review: Proudly not an M1 MacBook (for better or worse)The Intel CPU and battery life can’t compare to Apple’s M1 MacBook Air, but there’s a touchscreen and you don’t need to live in dongle hell.#Hardware#Microsoft Surface#joshua topolsky#Microsoft WindowsSurface Laptop 4 review: Proudly not an M1 MacBook (for better or worse)
How to Create a Detailed Battery Report in Windows 10Windows has a built-in, hidden battery report tool that can tell you everything you need to know.#Documentation#Microsoft Windows#Hardware#UtilityHow to Create a Detailed Battery Report in Windows 10
How to run a battery life report on your Windows laptopNow you can tell if it’s just you or if your laptop really does need a new battery.#Hardware#Utility#Microsoft Windows#DocumentationHow to run a battery life report on your Windows laptop