This video, created by David Blue, serves as a test and demonstration of the iPhone 4's camera capabilities and the iMovie for iPhone app. The user tests both...
17,000+ IPA Collection • iPhoneOS Obscura Project : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Here's the current WIP IPA collection from the iPhoneOS Obscura archival project. The project aims to preserve older iOS apps and prevent them from being lost...
Apple’s iOS operating system continues to be plagued by a recurring alarm clock bug resulting in missed appointments, including church and yoga sessions this Sunday. This only adds to emerging complaints in regards to other issues with the new iOS, such as battery drainage.
How to turn Do Not Disturb on or off on your iPhone
With Focus settings in iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 or later, Do Not Disturb can silence calls, alerts, and notifications. When Do Not Disturb is on, a crescent moon icon appears in the status bar and on your Lock Screen.
Rapid growth in transaction logs, CPU use, and memory consumption in Exchange Server 2010 when a user syncs a mailbox by using an iOS 6.1 or 6.1.1-based device - Microsoft Support
Fixes an issue in which Exchange Server 2010 Client Access server and Mailbox server resources are consumed, log growth becomes excessive, memory and CPU use may increase significantly, and server performance is affected.
Audio echo bug plagues iPhone 4S owners during voice calls
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As users continue to rant over misgivings in iOS6 Maps application and with iPhone 5 launching commercially today, Apple has conceded to errors in the application and is attempting to quell the unrest, The Verge reported.
Apple updating its Maps with user corrections every day at 3 am Eastern | AppleInsider
Apple is now routinely updating its mapping database on a daily basis with user corrections submitted through the native Maps applications for iOS and OS X, it has been discovered.