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iPhone DST bug causing alarms to fail across Europe (updated)
iPhone DST bug causing alarms to fail across Europe (updated)
An iPhone bug already seen when Australia switched between Daylight Savings Time and Standard Time a few weeks ago has now hit Europe. Twitter just lit up with reports of recurring iPhone alarms going off an hour later than usual. So even though the iOS clock changed correctly over the weekend, the alarm did not. Thing is, according to a ZDNet Australia report from more than three weeks ago, Apple acknowledged the bug with a promise to fix it with a software update. So why wasn't it rolled out in time to avoid this mess in Europe? Let's see if Apple fixes it before North America makes the switch on November 7th, otherwise, you've been warned. Update: Deleting and re-adding the alarms will NOT fix the issue. We've now tested a number of scenarios under iOS 4.1 on European iPhone 4 and 3GS devices for ourselves. The bug (demoed on video after the break by Roman) appears when using a repeating alarm for anything other than "every day." So for example, your alarm will go off an hour late if it's set for "weekdays," or "weekends," or every "Monday." The following alarms are not affected by the bug: An alarm that doesn't repeat (repeat set to "never") An alarm set to repeat "every day" You can test yourself by creating a repeating alarm (but not every day) to go off one minute in the future and 59 minutes in the past. Update 2: Some US readers are now waking up to alarms reportedly going off an hour early. [Thanks, David O. and Matthieu Di B.]
iPhone DST bug causing alarms to fail across Europe (updated)
PSA: iPhone alarms not working come New Year's Day 2011
PSA: iPhone alarms not working come New Year's Day 2011
We're not exactly sure of the cause of this fancy new issue affecting Apple's super cool iPhone line of cellphones, but apparently you've got trouble come 1/1/2011. According to an explosive stream of frustration-filled tweets on the Twitter microblogging service, when the clock strikes midnight, one off alarms will cease to sing out. The issue sounds eerily similar to recent Daylight Savings Time trouble we witnessed back in November, although we saw both repeating alarm and single alarm failures. So how can you fix this potentially life-ruining problem? Well until Apple patches its OS -- and it's currently unclear if this is just iOS 4.2.1 or earlier versions as well -- you can simply create a recurring alarm at the time you need to be woken up, and then disable it once your dreams are completely ruined. We're taking a deeper look into the issue and have contacted Apple -- if we get more news, you guys will be the first to know. In the meantime, feel free to commiserate in comments, and... happy new year? Update: 9to5 Mac says that the bug will get fixed all by itself once the calendar hits January 3rd. We haven't confirmed this, but if it turns out to be the case, that's pretty good news. In less good news, the issue seems to be affecting iOS 4.1 and 4.0.2 as well. Update 2: Apple responded to us on the issue, though they didn't offer any surprises: We're aware of an issue related to non repeating alarms set for January 1 or 2. Customers can set recurring alarms for those dates and all alarms will work properly beginning January 3. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]
PSA: iPhone alarms not working come New Year's Day 2011
Apple confirms iOS 5 bugs causing battery drain, promises a fix 'in a few weeks'
Apple confirms iOS 5 bugs causing battery drain, promises a fix 'in a few weeks'
Anecdotal reports have been pouring in since iOS 5 landed that battery life had suddenly dropped off on some people's iPhones. A full 15-percent of you who responded to our poll reported suffering from the issue. Now Apple has officially confirmed that several bugs are negatively affecting battery life. In a statement given to All Things D the Cupertino company acknowledged the problem and said it would "release a software update to address those [bugs] in a few weeks." In recent days the complaints in both the Apple forums and our own tips box have reached a deafening volume but, sadly, Apple isn't offering any temporary work arounds or advice for those constantly attached to a charger. So there you go folks -- Apple is working on it. You're the patient type, right? Update: Well, iOS 5.0.1 Beta, which includes the aforementioned bug fixes, just landed for devs. So Apple isn't just working on it, they've fixed it... theoretically. Lets hope this test run is a bit shorter than expected.
Apple confirms iOS 5 bugs causing battery drain, promises a fix 'in a few weeks'
Poll: Have you noticed battery improvements after updating to iOS 5.0.1?
Poll: Have you noticed battery improvements after updating to iOS 5.0.1?
Yesterday, Apple pushed out iOS 5.0.1, just about four weeks after releasing iOS 5 to the masses. Among the reported fixes: battery life improvements, following a confirmed bug in the initial release. We're hearing reports that battery life remains an issue for some iPhone 4S owners, however, and that it's been reduced even further for others. We want to hear about your experience, though, so let us know what's up in the poll below, and jump past the break to join other iPhone owners in the comments.%Poll-70860%
Poll: Have you noticed battery improvements after updating to iOS 5.0.1?
Thanks to iOS 5, some users lose WiFi connectivity
Thanks to iOS 5, some users lose WiFi connectivity
Of all the enhancements to discover in Apple's iOS 5 upgrade, it seems that an unforeseen monster may have snuck its way into the release. We're now reading through a handful of user complaints about losing WiFi after taking the plunge, with most replies mentioning intermittent connectivity and / or a significant loss in signal strength. The issue remains unconfirmed by Apple, but it appears to span across a number of devices, including the iPhone 4S, 4 and 3GS, along with the iPad (and possibly, the iPod Touch). By troubleshooting, one user was able to resolve the problem by reverting to iOS 4.3, then cause it to manifest -- once again -- by upgrading to iOS 5. The recent iOS 5.0.1 update certainly hasn't fixed the matter, either. Could these reports be an unfortunate series of unrelated events, or is there something larger at play? Sound off about your experience with WiFi and iOS 5 in the comments below. [Thanks, Iain]
Thanks to iOS 5, some users lose WiFi connectivity
PSA: iPhone alarm clock not working again? Time to update
PSA: iPhone alarm clock not working again? Time to update
Hey, remember that madcap time last year when iPhone alarms didn't work on January 1st or 2nd? Still having the same issue this year? Well, you might want to think about updating. We're seeing a flood of reports from users whose alarm clocks are not working again this year, but from what we're able to tell that's because the affected users haven't updated their devices past iOS 4.2.1. If that includes you, dear reader, now would be a great time to tether yourself and click your way through whatever iTunes recommends. There's a whole new major version out there waiting for you! That said, if you're still enjoying your iPhone 3G, we're sorry to say 4.2.1 is as high as you can go on the iOS food chain. Maybe 2012 is a good year for a new phone? [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]
PSA: iPhone alarm clock not working again? Time to update