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Melitta Gooseneck Kettle Review | James' Coffee Blog
Melitta Gooseneck Kettle Review | James' Coffee Blog
To accompany my new Kalita Wave, I purchased a gooseneck kettle. Gooseneck kettles have a pouring neck similar to that of a goose, or a swan, and they give you greater control over pouring. For pour-over brewing, having a gooseneck kettle is almost essential. I knew that I needed one because my home kettle does not give me very much control over the direction of water pouring. It has a wide spout at the top of the kettle, which means it is difficult to get close to the cup in which I am brewing without tilting at a large angle. I need to get close to the cup so I can maintain a gentle pour.
Melitta Gooseneck Kettle Review | James' Coffee Blog
Juan Vergara Full Court Press Coffee Review | James' Coffee Blog
Juan Vergara Full Court Press Coffee Review | James' Coffee Blog
Full Court Press, a coffee roastery based in Bristol, has been on my radar for a while. I've read Coffee: A Modern Field Guide, the book written by the founder. I have seen they have a stellar reputation through Instagram.
Juan Vergara Full Court Press Coffee Review | James' Coffee Blog
Coffee Chat with Bruce from Fortitude Coffee Roasters | James' Coffee Blog
Coffee Chat with Bruce from Fortitude Coffee Roasters | James' Coffee Blog
Fortitude Coffee Roasters, which has two cafes in Edinburgh, is deeply rooted in the Scottish coffee scene. In addition to running two cafes, Fortitude roasts its own beans. I was curious about how Fortitude roasts their coffee so I decided to reach out to their team. Bruce, their head roaster, got back to me to share some insights about Foritude.
Coffee Chat with Bruce from Fortitude Coffee Roasters | James' Coffee Blog
The Philosophy of Coffee Book Review | James' Coffee Blog
The Philosophy of Coffee Book Review | James' Coffee Blog
I have never written a review of a book before. I was reading the Caffeine Galore blog and I saw a review of a coffee book that was short and eloquent. I wondered whether, instead of writing paragraphs upon paragraphs about a book I've read, I could write a short summary in this vein.
The Philosophy of Coffee Book Review | James' Coffee Blog
Coffee Chat with Robert from Brew Culture Coffee and Tea | James' Coffee Blog
Coffee Chat with Robert from Brew Culture Coffee and Tea | James' Coffee Blog
A few weeks ago I visited South Queensferry, the home of Brew Culture Coffee and Tea. I had wanted to walk over the Forth Road Bridge and also visit Brew Culture, which opened earlier this year as the only speciality coffee shop in the area. I had previously interviewed the owner, Robert, about his blog a few months prior, but I wanted to ask him a few questions about starting his coffee shop. I sent Robert some questions over email which he kindly responded to. I hope you enjoy the interview.
Coffee Chat with Robert from Brew Culture Coffee and Tea | James' Coffee Blog
Drinking coffee out of a smaller cup | James' Coffee Blog
Drinking coffee out of a smaller cup | James' Coffee Blog
When I was at Union Brew Lab on Saturday, the coffee I ordered was given to me in a latte art pitcher. I was also given a mug into which I could pour the coffee on my own. I liked this experience because the act of pouring coffee into a mug, I found, was soothing. There's something nice about pouring coffee that has already been prepared into a mug, ready for you to drink. I was able to pour coffee from the pitcher into my mug three or so times before I was out of coffee because the mug I was given was quite small (and there was quite a bit of coffee in the pitcher, to be fair).
Drinking coffee out of a smaller cup | James' Coffee Blog
Notes from a coffee crawl | James' Coffee Blog
Notes from a coffee crawl | James' Coffee Blog
Today (which is Saturday. I usually post blog posts a couple of days after I write them because I either: forget to post a blog post or have other articles to post.) I visited four speciality coffee shops in Edinburgh. In doing so, I was able to experience four different service interactions with coffee shops. I just started thinking to myself that today I saw some interesting things so I wanted to share them on my blog.
Notes from a coffee crawl | James' Coffee Blog
Category:Scotland | James' Coffee Blog
Category:Scotland | James' Coffee Blog
Scotland is a country in the United Kingdom. Scotland has a rich speciality coffee culture, with roasteries and coffee shops around the country. Edinburgh and Glasgow are home to many speciality coffee shops. There is also a diverse range of eateries around the country.
Category:Scotland | James' Coffee Blog
Fortitude Coffee | James' Coffee Blog
Fortitude Coffee | James' Coffee Blog
Fortitude Coffee is a speciality coffee business based in Edinburgh, Scotland, serving coffee from two cafes in the city and roasting coffee for sale online and in their stores.
Fortitude Coffee | James' Coffee Blog
about this wiki | James' Coffee Blog
about this wiki | James' Coffee Blog
Breakfast and Coffee is a place to share your breakfast and coffee recommendations and find new eateries to visit. This page describes how the wiki is built. For information on the community and what to share on the wiki, please refer to the home page.
about this wiki | James' Coffee Blog
Starting the Day | James' Coffee Blog
Starting the Day | James' Coffee Blog
There is something blissful about awaking naturally before your alarm is scheduled to go off for the day. I woke up on my own terms, joyfully surprised given my propensity to depend on multiple alarms in the morning.
Starting the Day | James' Coffee Blog
Union Brew Lab | James' Coffee Blog
Union Brew Lab | James' Coffee Blog
Union Brew Lab is a speciality coffee shop situated on 6-8 South College Street, Edinburgh. Union Brew Lab is owned by Union Hand-Roasted, a large UK speciality coffee roastery.
Union Brew Lab | James' Coffee Blog
Submit | James' Coffee Blog
Submit | James' Coffee Blog
You can submit a post to Breakfast and Coffee by creating a new article on the wiki web page or by publishing a wiki entry on your own site and syndicating your post to the wiki using Webmentions.
Submit | James' Coffee Blog
The Milkman | James' Coffee Blog
The Milkman | James' Coffee Blog
The Milkman is a speciality coffee business with two locations on Cockburn Street in the City of Edinburgh. Both of The Milkman cafes have a warm and cosy aesthetic.
The Milkman | James' Coffee Blog
Cairngorm Coffee | James' Coffee Blog
Cairngorm Coffee | James' Coffee Blog
Cairngorm Coffee is a speciality coffee roastery that owns two cafes in the City of Edinburgh, well-known for serving delicious toasties at its locations.
Cairngorm Coffee | James' Coffee Blog
Coffee Chat with Mandy from Mandy's Daily Grind | James' Coffee Blog
Coffee Chat with Mandy from Mandy's Daily Grind | James' Coffee Blog
This interview series actually started with me chatting with coffee bloggers, who represented the intersection of three of my interests: websites, writing, and coffee. Earlier this year, I saw that there was a new speciality coffee blog on the scene, Mandy's Daily Grind, and I had to reach out to learn more about the project.
Coffee Chat with Mandy from Mandy's Daily Grind | James' Coffee Blog
Coffee Chat with Davide from Papercup Coffee Roasters | James' Coffee Blog
Coffee Chat with Davide from Papercup Coffee Roasters | James' Coffee Blog
Papercup Coffee Roasters, based in Glasgow, piqued my interest on Instagram. Curious to learn more, I reached out over email and found myself learning about the worlds of roasting, quality control, and production. In this interview, I share what Davide, the wholesale manager at Papercup, had to say about a few of my questions. I hope you enjoy our chat.
Coffee Chat with Davide from Papercup Coffee Roasters | James' Coffee Blog
Adado Ethiopia by The Good Coffee Cartel | James' Coffee Blog
Adado Ethiopia by The Good Coffee Cartel | James' Coffee Blog
For over the holiday season, I purchased two bags of coffee from The Good Coffee Cartel. Well, I should say canisters rather than bags. Their coffee comes in reusable canisters and you can request a refill if you live near their store. One of the canisters I purchased was their Ethopia Adado coffee, the first coffee they have ordered for a second time.
Adado Ethiopia by The Good Coffee Cartel | James' Coffee Blog
Coffee Chat with The Pourover | James' Coffee Blog
Coffee Chat with The Pourover | James' Coffee Blog
I have turned to other sites for inspiration on what I should include and leave out in my coffee reviews. One of the sites I've really enjoyed reading over the last few months is The Pourover. The owner of The Pourover, Fionn, was based in Scotland, reviewing many Scottish cafes and beans. Fionn then moved away to Michigan and has been publishing weekly posts on coffee news.
Coffee Chat with The Pourover | James' Coffee Blog
Guatemala Finca La Esperanza by Steampunk Coffee Review | James' Coffee Blog
Guatemala Finca La Esperanza by Steampunk Coffee Review | James' Coffee Blog
On a cold Sunday morning, Finca La Esperanza, a coffee sourced from Guatemala and sold by Steampunk Coffee, kept me warm. While it may be too icy to go out for a walk, I was more than happy to relax and ponder a new Guatemalan coffee I've been trying recently.
Guatemala Finca La Esperanza by Steampunk Coffee Review | James' Coffee Blog
Reading Content with RSS | James' Coffee Blog
Reading Content with RSS | James' Coffee Blog
I consume a large percentage of my online content using RSS. It was not always this way. For a long time, I relied on algorithms to tell me what to read. I put my faith in social media and believed that if I scrolled long enough I'd eventually find something interesting to read. I did sometimes find good articles. Mostly, I found articles that were popular. I didn't discover any real gems.
Reading Content with RSS | James' Coffee Blog
Distributed polls on your personal website | James' Coffee Blog
Distributed polls on your personal website | James' Coffee Blog
In the Bonus Homebrew Website Club meeting last weekend, I was reminded of the IndieWeb social polls idea I had a while back. I cannot quite remember what reminded me of the idea but I mentioned it in the meeting anyway. My idea was to use webmentions to support social polling. By using Webmentions, I could accept votes to a poll from individual personal websites. My site, or perhaps a third-party service I create, would then aggregate those polls and produce a clean report showing the number and percentage of votes each option in the poll had earned.
Distributed polls on your personal website | James' Coffee Blog
The Coffee Visionary By Jasper Houtman Book Review | James' Coffee Blog
The Coffee Visionary By Jasper Houtman Book Review | James' Coffee Blog
Peet's Coffee, Tea and Spices was one of the inspirations behind Starbucks. I have read this from many sources. Indeed, the Starbucks we know today does not resemble the initial company. It was Howard Schultz who pioneered the idea of rapid growth. The founders of Starbucks based their vision of the business on what they had seen from Alfred Peet, the owner of Peet's based in Berkeley, California. But I had no idea that Starbucks was only one of many businesses who benefitedβ€”directly or indirectlyβ€”from Alfred Peet and his devotion to selling high-quality coffee.
The Coffee Visionary By Jasper Houtman Book Review | James' Coffee Blog