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Palm Trees in Scotland | James' Coffee Blog
Palm Trees in Scotland | James' Coffee Blog
I love interjecting facts about Scotland into discussions where I can. Recently, I was in a discussion about trees, where I noted my favourite type of tree is the palm tree. I would be remiss if I didn't note that Scotland has a few palm trees.
Palm Trees in Scotland | James' Coffee Blog
Announcing subscribable feeds for Bluesky profiles | James' Coffee Blog
Announcing subscribable feeds for Bluesky profiles | James' Coffee Blog
This week, I have been working away at an expansion to bsky.link ^1, a service for generating embeddable links to Bluesky posts, that generates feeds to which you can subscribe for user profiles. As Bluesky becomes more popular, I want it to be as easy as possible for me to follow users in the feed reader I use for blogs and other websites.
Announcing subscribable feeds for Bluesky profiles | James' Coffee Blog
Fun with Words | James' Coffee Blog
Fun with Words | James' Coffee Blog
As I write, I am sitting in a cafe, watching people walk by from a window seat. Through the power of Spotify, Taylor Swift is singing through my ear. the last great american dynasty. I have finished up improvements to bsky.link and mf2.link, my services that make it easy to embed Bluesky and Mastodon posts, respectively, into articles.
Fun with Words | James' Coffee Blog
Announcing bsky.link, an embed link generator for Bluesky | James' Coffee Blog
Announcing bsky.link, an embed link generator for Bluesky | James' Coffee Blog
A few weeks ago, I came across a site that lets you create embedded links for Mastodon posts [^1]. This inspired me to start thinking about Bluesky, an implementation of the distributed social networking protocol AT Protocol. I see more and more discussion on Bluesky every day, but their web interface is still in the early stages. There is no intuitive tool to create an embedded link to a single Bluesky post without linking to the whole post. This is not ideal in many situations, particularly in journalism or blogging where being able to embed a focused representation of a social media post is desired to ensure the readability of an article.
Announcing bsky.link, an embed link generator for Bluesky | James' Coffee Blog
The Blue Bottle Craft of Coffee Review | James' Coffee Blog
The Blue Bottle Craft of Coffee Review | James' Coffee Blog
The Blue Bottle Craft of Coffee is the latest addition to my growing collection of coffee books. This one was lesser mentioned than many other coffee books I have encountered. I wanted to give it a read because I like different perspectives on coffee. I find that every book has its own take on topics from roasting to processing and, after reading this book, I found that Craft of Coffee was no exception.
The Blue Bottle Craft of Coffee Review | James' Coffee Blog
Online cupping classes | James' Coffee Blog
Online cupping classes | James' Coffee Blog
Earlier this year I participated in an online coffee cupping session hosted by Steampunk Coffee. It was marketed as a crash course in coffee cupping because it is quite difficult to replicate the strict standards of cupping at home without the right equipment. Grinding various samples of coffee to a particular degree within a certain period of time is not easy; every cup needs to be the same, and so on. But it is to be expected that online cupping will not be perfect. I signed up to learn a lot about cupping. I learned how things should be done and various ways to do those things at home.
Online cupping classes | James' Coffee Blog
Solitude in third places | James' Coffee Blog
Solitude in third places | James' Coffee Blog
During this trip to San Francisco, I have visited many coffee shops. One of the coffee shops at the top of my mental list of places to go was Blue Bottle Coffee. On my most recent trip there -- during which time I had a delicious coffee -- I felt down. People were talking in the background, but the environment felt cold. Some people came in and picked up a pre-made coffee and left the store. It was relatively quiet. There were no opportunities to chat with new people.
Solitude in third places | James' Coffee Blog
What made you start James' Coffee Blog? | James' Coffee Blog
What made you start James' Coffee Blog? | James' Coffee Blog
I posed my Instagram followers a question via Instagram Stories: what questions do you have about my blog? The second question I was asked was what made me start this blog, which deserves a blog post in itself to answer properly.
What made you start James' Coffee Blog? | James' Coffee Blog
Advent of Bloggers 2021: Day 19 | James' Coffee Blog
Advent of Bloggers 2021: Day 19 | James' Coffee Blog
I am writing a blog post every day from December 1st to December 24th, 2021, about a blogger whose writing or site I follow. My aim for this series is to help you discover new blogs and to help get the word out about content creators whose blogs I appreciate. You can read more about this series in the inaugural Day 1 post.
Advent of Bloggers 2021: Day 19 | James' Coffee Blog
Advent of Bloggers 2021: Day 22 | James' Coffee Blog
Advent of Bloggers 2021: Day 22 | James' Coffee Blog
I am writing a blog post every day from December 1st to December 24th, 2021, about a blogger whose writing or site I follow. My aim for this series is to help you discover new blogs and to help get the word out about content creators whose blogs I appreciate. You can read more about this series in the inaugural Day 1 post.
Advent of Bloggers 2021: Day 22 | James' Coffee Blog
Advent of Bloggers 2021: Day 14 | James' Coffee Blog
Advent of Bloggers 2021: Day 14 | James' Coffee Blog
I am writing a blog post every day from December 1st to December 24th, 2021, about a blogger whose writing or site I follow. My aim for this series is to help you discover new blogs and to help get the word out about content creators whose blogs I appreciate. You can read more about this series in the inaugural Day 1 post.
Advent of Bloggers 2021: Day 14 | James' Coffee Blog
Comparing the Kalita Wave and the V60 | James' Coffee Blog
Comparing the Kalita Wave and the V60 | James' Coffee Blog
The V60 and Kalita Wave are both pour-over brewing devices but each has a unique design and required technique. In my most recent post for the Steampunk Coffee Blog, I dive deep into the similarities and differences between the V60 and the Kalita Wave, with reference to the design, technique, and cup profiles associated with each brewer.
Comparing the Kalita Wave and the V60 | James' Coffee Blog
V60 vs The Chemex | James' Coffee Blog
V60 vs The Chemex | James' Coffee Blog
While both the Chemex and the V60 are both cone-shaped pour-over devices, the devices are distinct, both in terms of design and the final cup profile. In my latest blog post for Steampunk Coffee, I talk about the similarities and differences between the V60 and Chemex. I also share some of my experiences from using both of these devices.
V60 vs The Chemex | James' Coffee Blog
How to Read a Coffee Label | James' Coffee Blog
How to Read a Coffee Label | James' Coffee Blog
Most labels on bags of speciality coffee contain quite a bit of information about the origin of the coffee, the flavours you may be able to taste in the coffee, and how the coffee was processed. Coffee roasters often display even more information on their websites. It took me a while to learn what all of the words meant and why they were important to me as a coffee drinker.
How to Read a Coffee Label | James' Coffee Blog
How to Make an Iced Latte at Home | James' Coffee Blog
How to Make an Iced Latte at Home | James' Coffee Blog
Over the last week or two, the weather has been steadily improving. The sunny weather inspired me to try making an iced coffee at home. I was able to make a few tasty iced coffees. Then, I thought about adding milk. My recent French press frothing technique came in handy and after some testing I made an iced latte with which I was happy.
How to Make an Iced Latte at Home | James' Coffee Blog
A Beginner's Introduction to Grinding Coffee at Home | James' Coffee Blog
A Beginner's Introduction to Grinding Coffee at Home | James' Coffee Blog
What are the advantages of grinding coffee yourself? How do electric and hand grinders compare? What should you think about when you make a decision on what grinder to buy? These are the questions I address in my latest article for the Steampunk Coffee Blog.
A Beginner's Introduction to Grinding Coffee at Home | James' Coffee Blog
My Experience Cupping Coffee with Steampunk | James' Coffee Blog
My Experience Cupping Coffee with Steampunk | James' Coffee Blog
Over the last few weeks, I have been cupping at home by myself to help me refine my palate. But, I have found myself thinking about how nice it would be to have someone else with whom to cup. I recently attended a Steampunk Coffee online cupping session which brought this idea to life. During the cupping, I learned a lot about how to taste coffee, how coffee is purchased and processed, and more.
My Experience Cupping Coffee with Steampunk | James' Coffee Blog
How to Make a Cappuccino at Home (without an espresso machine) | James' Coffee Blog
How to Make a Cappuccino at Home (without an espresso machine) | James' Coffee Blog
My go-to drink at speciality coffee shops is the cappuccino. It has been months since I last had a cappuccino and I wondered to myself whether I could make one at home (without an espresso machine). After some research online and subsequent experimentation, I found a recipe for an at-home cappuccino which works for me.
How to Make a Cappuccino at Home (without an espresso machine) | James' Coffee Blog
Coffee Chat with Pete from Black Pine Coffee | James' Coffee Blog
Coffee Chat with Pete from Black Pine Coffee | James' Coffee Blog
Black Pine Coffee is one of the many independent speciality coffee shops that make up the thriving and growing Glasgow coffee scene. Black Pine Coffee serves blend of coffee they designed with The Good Coffee Cartel, retail coffee from a rotating selection of roasters, sweet treats, and toasties. In this interview, I chat with Pete, the owner of Black Pine Coffee, about what it's like to run the store.
Coffee Chat with Pete from Black Pine Coffee | James' Coffee Blog
The Garlic | James' Coffee Blog
The Garlic | James' Coffee Blog
Yesterday I walked on a new path, eager to explore my local area more. My route was a mystery. I reveled in the excitement of new sights to see. As I walked further, I entered a wooded area. I reached a hill; the gradient was steep, but I was unbothered. I was strolling, leisurely, observing the flora and fauna around me.
The Garlic | James' Coffee Blog
Hosting a fun DNS server with Go and a DNS library | James' Coffee Blog
Hosting a fun DNS server with Go and a DNS library | James' Coffee Blog
TL;DR: I now have my own DNS resolver at jamesg.blog with some fun utilities. Read the GitHub documentation for a complete reference manual of all queries, and keep reading below for an explanation of the project and how it works.
Hosting a fun DNS server with Go and a DNS library | James' Coffee Blog
Coffee Chat with Coffee Snob Blog | James' Coffee Blog
Coffee Chat with Coffee Snob Blog | James' Coffee Blog
In my latest coffee chat I talk with Louisa, a self-proclaimed coffee snob, about her blog, Coffee Snob Blog. We chat about Louisa's inspiration, how she feels cafes can elevate your mood, and how much time she spends working on her blog. The interview is below.
Coffee Chat with Coffee Snob Blog | James' Coffee Blog
Adding review support to Breakfast and Coffee | James' Coffee Blog
Adding review support to Breakfast and Coffee | James' Coffee Blog
Breakfast and Coffee is a place to share information about breakfast and coffee shops you have visited, with a twist: where possible, contributions should come from personal websites rather than directly through the website editing interface. Breakfast and Coffee is a MediaWiki. This gives the site a lot of features like categories, a good page editor, and edit tracking out of the box. But, the site accepts Webmentions. When Breakfast and Coffee receives a webmention, it tries to create an entry on the wiki.
Adding review support to Breakfast and Coffee | James' Coffee Blog
The Glint | James' Coffee Blog
The Glint | James' Coffee Blog
I took the bus back to the Edinburgh City Centre from the airport today, after my flight from Berlin. The tram had just departed and I thought the bus would be quicker. I carried my suitcase onto the bus, lifted my suitcase onto the luggage rack, then sat down. A few moments later, two young women boarded. I would guess they were around my age. They sat down and started conversing in German. I gazed out the window and watched people walk past.
The Glint | James' Coffee Blog
Brandenburg Gate | James' Coffee Blog
Brandenburg Gate | James' Coffee Blog
One of the little moments of joy I experienced while in Berlin last year happened near Brandenburg Gate. I was walking through the Tiergarten, after having walked a lot that day. If I recall correctly, my ankles were a bit tired. On vacation, I tend to spend a lot of time on foot, eager for new adventures. On my way toward Brandenburg Gate, I started to hear a sound. It was the song Hallelujah being played softly. A woman's voice was signing in the background. I could hear a guitar.
Brandenburg Gate | James' Coffee Blog