

Since 1985, Boulevard's mission has been to publish the finest in contemporary fiction and poetry as well as definitive essays on the arts and culture, and to publish a diversity of writers who exhibit an original sensibility. It is our conviction that creative and critical work should be presented
Absolutely Zippo!: Anthology Of A Fanzine 1988-1998 :: AK Press
Absolutely Zippo!: Anthology Of A Fanzine 1988-1998 :: AK Press
More than anything else, Absolutely Zippo! encapsulated the East Bay punk scene in those heady times. Like Aaron Cometbus, Robert Eggplant was in the thick of the action (playing guitar for Blatz, volunteering at Gilman, rioting at People's Park), and not only lived through it all, but actually got it down on paper as it was happening. Fortunately, it's been preserved. And now it can be yours too. Quite wonderful.
Absolutely Zippo!: Anthology Of A Fanzine 1988-1998 :: AK Press