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Speaking of the Arts - KOPN 89.5 FM - Mid-Missouri's Independent Community Radio SG
Thursdays: 7 – 8 p.m. Speaking of the Arts is mid-Missouri’s only in-depth weekly arts show. Each week show host Diana Moxon talks with different arts […]
Read Write.as
A writing community where everyone shares freely, anonymous or not. Find yourself in their words.
EAR RAT MAGAZINE - Issue Four | September 2021
Witness seeks original fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and artwork that is innovative in its approach, broad-ranging in its concerns, and bold in its perspective. The magazine blends the features of a literary and an issue-oriented magazine to highlight the role of the modern writer as witness to their times.
Our mission is to amplify extraordinary voices, feature writers from every part of the globe, and highlight pieces that speak to the present moment in an enduring and distinctive way. The magazine seeks to open up conversations surrounding oppression and transcendence, prejudice and compassion, fear and raw honesty. The editorial team is also proud to feature the work of emerging voices alongside that of established writers.
Houstonia is unique: A news, entertainment and information source as smart, exciting and vital as the people who call Houston home. Each month we canvass the nation’s fourth largest city in search of the newsmakers and tastemakers, people who are changing the way we eat, play, dress and think. Chock-full of timely, engaging stories, as well as spectacular photography and cutting-edge design, our goal is a signature mix of in-depth news stories, provocative essays, and guides to the best of the city that no Houstonian can live without.
Fiteclub was a zine I planned on releasing at the end of last year as some larger “project” that bridged the gap between some of the blog posts on this website and a coherent piece of writing. However, since I am notoriously horrific at keeping a proper rate of creative output I ended up burning out hard, failing to complete half of the planned material, and sitting on what was finished for months. Around February of this year I decided to finally compile whatever material I had composed into a small, unfinished zine – mainly just so I didn’t have to read any of the writing again and to absolve myself of any obligation to finish it. I doubt anyone will get much of anything out of this, but hopefully it offers some perspective – even if that just arrives from laughing at it.
My aim for this project was to write about topics that only I cared about in the hopes that by writing with an expected audience of zero people this zine would somehow loop around and be vaguely interesting to those who have similar brain worms to mine. I’ve spent way too much time in the past trying and failing to condense my work into a more general, consumable format to the point where I was convinced that the only way to reach that goal would be to just indulge my worst habits to their logical extremes and essentially just parody myself. The articles that Fiteclub would consist of intended to only be interesting to people in the exact same situation at the exact same time, regardless of the fact that this audience doesn’t exist and never would exist. If you’re a vaguely-depressive, anxiety-ridden culchie this is the zine for you (and I hate you for it).
EAR RAT MAGAZINE is a literary and arts journal formed in March 2020.
Real Life
Real Life is a magazine about living with technology. The emphasis is more on living. We publish one piece a day—essays, features, uncategorizable—four or five days a week. We launched with funding from Snapchat, but we operate with editorial independence and without ads.