evernote web - Google Search
Frank & Co - A Digital Literary Service for Writers | Beta & Sensitivity Reading
Manuscript assessment, editing, & sensitivity reading for writers. Fresh insight & objective perspective, competitive pricing, & express return.
FONTANEL — Explore Dutch creative culture and careers
Explore Dutch creative culture and careers — read interviews with leading creatives, browse our careful selection of events or find a job at a Dutch agency, brand or startup.
Ink Homepage
The Kansas City Star in Kansas City offers local news coverage online.
Ingram's :: Home
Curves Magazin - soulful driving
Curves - Soulful Driving besteht aus der Paarung einzigartiger Aufnahmen von Bergpässen und Kurven mit Roadmovie-Geschichten.
Lollipop Magazine — Lollipop Grand Prix Media
Study Hall
The Conversation: In-depth analysis, research, news and ideas from leading academics and researchers.
Curated by professional editors, The Conversation offers informed commentary and debate on the issues affecting our world. Plus a Plain English guide to the latest developments and discoveries from the university and research sector.
Publications, exhibitions, and online exclusives.
The Correspondent - Unbreaking news
MEL Magazine
“Smart and insightful reported features about modern masculinity.” — The Goods by Vox
User Experience Magazine - The Magazine of the User Experience Professionals Association
UXPA's User Experience magazine: covering the broad field of user experience.
Canadian Art
All the best stories: culture, reporting, interviews, podcasts, comics and fiction from Hazlitt.
BGR – Tech and entertainment news, reviews, opinions and insights
Tech and entertainment news, reviews, opinions and insights
Logic Magazine
Logic is a small magazine devoted to deepening the discourse around technology. We publish three times per year in print and digital formats.
Release Music Magazine
Mexico Books - Sunracer Publications - Copper Canyon Travel Books
The best and really the only full color full service guidebook an the Copper Canyon. Please see our web site at www.coppercanyon.org for full details.
My Abandonware - Download Old Video Games
Database of 16000 abandonware games free. One of the most complete video games museum. Take a trip down Memory Lane now! Warning: whole weekends can be lost.
Torque - WordPress News, WP Community Experts | @thetorquemag
Get the latest news, tips, and advice for WP. Get The Newsletter. In Business Since 2013. Highlights: Newsletter Available, E-Book Available.
Smashing Magazine
Smashing Magazine — for web designers and developers
Scrounge.org Home Page
How to Scrounge Up a Cheap Computer. (And what to do with it once you've got it.)
Trebuchet - Critical target selection - Art Culture Society - Trebuchet Magazine
Trebuchet : Articles and Reviews on contemporary Art for the creative artist and collector
DIS Magazine
DIS Magazine is a digital media platform. It's on and offline projects examine art, fashion, music, and culture, constructing and supporting new creative practices.
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Virginia Law Review
Textshop ExperimentsTextshop Experiments
Textshop Experiments is an open access journal that aims to foster experimental works that invent, operate in, or analyze the apparatus of Electracy. We welcome innovative and hybrid works in new media and original scholarship on reading and writing, rhetoric, and culture.
Thump - The electronic music & culture channel from VICE
Everything with the topic 'Thump' on VICE
New Philosopher | Magazine