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Dr. Dobb's | Good stuff for serious developers: Programming Tools, Code, C++, Java, HTML5, Cloud, Mobile, Testing
Dr. Dobb's | Good stuff for serious developers: Programming Tools, Code, C++, Java, HTML5, Cloud, Mobile, Testing
Software tools and techniques for global software development. Dr. Dobb's features articles, source code, blogs,forums,video tutorials, and audio podcasts, as well as articles from Dr. Dobb's Journal,, C/C++ Users Journal, and Software Development magazine.
Dr. Dobb's | Good stuff for serious developers: Programming Tools, Code, C++, Java, HTML5, Cloud, Mobile, Testing
Crazyhorse – Literary magazine
Crazyhorse – Literary magazine
Crazyhorse has been publishing the best established and emerging writers for over 50 years. The work we've published has recently been reprinted in Best American Short Stories, Best American Poetry, Best New Poets, Best American Experimental Writing, and The Pushcart Prize, among other places.
Crazyhorse – Literary magazine
COINage Magazine
COINage Magazine
Since 1964, COINage has been a leading name in numismatic publications. We offer a fresh perspective of numismatics for the experienced coin collector and an introduction to key concepts for the novice.
COINage Magazine
Beautiful/Decay - Art And Design Blog
Beautiful/Decay - Art And Design Blog
Beautiful/Decay began as a small black and white, DIY, photocopied ‘zine in 1996, releasing three issues in its first incarnation. In 2001, it was resurrected as a full color art and design publication featuring some of the most cutting edge and exciting work by artists and designers from all over t
Beautiful/Decay - Art And Design Blog
Bam To Cease Publishing / Music magazine was losing money - SFGate
Bam To Cease Publishing / Music magazine was losing money - SFGate
Bam To Cease Publishing / Music magazine was losing money Bam magazine has closed shop after 23 years as a biweekly fixture in the Bay Area music scene. In its early years, the magazine filled the gap left when Rolling Stone transferred its offices to New York to concentrate on national coverage. Bam was launched as a publication for local musicians to read about local music, and it was soon one of the few publications covering hometown upstarts such as Greg Kihn and the Rubinoos. In later years, it scooped national magazines with cover stories on bands such as Metallica, Smashmouth and Thi...
Bam To Cease Publishing / Music magazine was losing money - SFGate