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Witness seeks original fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and artwork that is innovative in its approach, broad-ranging in its concerns, and bold in its perspective. The magazine blends the features of a literary and an issue-oriented magazine to highlight the role of the modern writer as witness to their times. Our mission is to amplify extraordinary voices, feature writers from every part of the globe, and highlight pieces that speak to the present moment in an enduring and distinctive way. The magazine seeks to open up conversations surrounding oppression and transcendence, prejudice and compassion, fear and raw honesty. The editorial team is also proud to feature the work of emerging voices alongside that of established writers.
Presentable #1: Catastrophizing the End of the GUI - Relay FM
Presentable #1: Catastrophizing the End of the GUI - Relay FM
Special guest Chris Messina joins the inaugural episode of the show to discuss both the hype and beauty of conversational UIs, messaging apps, and chatbots. Will this herald the end of interface design as we know it? (Spoiler: nope.)
Presentable #1: Catastrophizing the End of the GUI - Relay FM
Reading List 2020 –
Reading List 2020 –
Looking at past posts and it looks like I haven’t published my reading list review in a few years. The previous posts on the site are for 2017, 2016, and 2015. I think I got lazy and let Good…
Reading List 2020 –
On Weaponised Design - A New Design Congress Essay
On Weaponised Design - A New Design Congress Essay
The lives of digital platform users are at odds with how these systems are conceived and built. Weaponised design – a process that allows for harm of users within the defined bounds of a designed system – is facilitated by practitioners who are oblivious to the politics of digital infrastructure or consider their design practice output to be apolitical. Although users find themselves subject to traumatic events with increasing regularity, weaponised design is yet to be addressed by the multi-faceted field of interface and infrastructure design.
On Weaponised Design - A New Design Congress Essay
Getgee: Tools for self-governance Part 1 | Heather Marsh
Getgee: Tools for self-governance Part 1 | Heather Marsh
G is a universal database and trust network which can be used for the most popular software applications today. A universal database and trust network will return control of our data to the users w…
Getgee: Tools for self-governance Part 1 | Heather Marsh
About The New Design Congress
About The New Design Congress
A research organisation that recognises all infrastructure as expressions of power, and sees interfaces and technologies as social, economic, political and ecological accelerants.
About The New Design Congress
Use Keyboard Shortcuts
Use Keyboard Shortcuts
Mac OS iOS In Spark for Mac, you can forget about icons and buttons using your keyboard to perform faster. There are four sets of shortcuts available: Spar
Use Keyboard Shortcuts
Google CEO Sundar Pichai’s Year Under Fire
Google CEO Sundar Pichai’s Year Under Fire
When Sundar Pichai woke up November 1 to prepare for an appearance at a conference in New York, Google’s CEO, an engineer by training, had likely hoped to tout the leaps in artificial intelligence and cloud computing that Google had made in his three years as the company’s leader. But any hope ...
Google CEO Sundar Pichai’s Year Under Fire
The AOL CD-ROM Collection : Free Software : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming : Internet Archive
The AOL CD-ROM Collection : Free Software : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming : Internet Archive
In the early 1990s, the service provider America On-Line (AOL) initiated a new carpet-bombing approach to acquiring new members, sending free CD-ROMs throughout the USA offering trial access to the service. This approach grew AOL from 200,000 accounts to over 22 million.Along the way, millions of...
The AOL CD-ROM Collection : Free Software : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming : Internet Archive