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DIS Magazine
DIS Magazine
DIS is a New York-based collective composed of Lauren Boyle, Solomon Chase, Marco Roso and David Toro. Its cultural interventions are manifest across a range of media and platforms, from site-specific museum and gallery exhibitions to ongoing online projects. Most notably these include, DIS Magazine, co-founded with Nick Scholl, Patrik Sandberg and S. Adrian Massey III in 2010 as a virtual platform that examines art, fashion, music and culture, constructing and supporting new creative practices. Since being founded, the magazine has expanded into an international community of writers, photographers, musicians and DJs. Recent ventures include DISimages, 2013, a fully operational stock photography agency that enlists artists to produce images available for private and commercial use, and DISown, an ongoing retail platform and laboratory to test the current status of the art object. Across its various endeavors, DIS explores the tension between popular culture and institutional critique, while facilitating projects for the most public and democratic of all forums—the Internet.
DIS Magazine

Grist is a nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future. Our goal is to use the power of storytelling to illuminate the way toward a better world, inspire millions of people to walk that path with us, and show that the time for action is now.

Since 1999, we have used the power of journalism to engage the public about the perils of the most existential threat we face. Now that three-quarters of Americans recognize that climate change is happening, we’ve shifted our focus to show that a just and sustainable future is within reach.

Fix — our Solutions Lab — builds on our journalism by connecting and elevating the people who make change happen through storytelling, events, and network-building.

At Grist we engage our audience to ensure that as progress is made — and we assure you, it’s being made — no one is left behind. We have until roughly 2030 to dramatically slash our carbon emissions to lessen the greatest impacts of climate change — and we need to innovate and adapt to a future that is quickly becoming a reality. We’re committed to the stories, the people, and the ideas that will make this possible.
