Found 3050 bookmarks
ejg (
ejg (
Anyone have experience with, or would otherwise recommend, hosting media files on for embedding in a static site? For some context. A friend of mine passed away this past year. He was an avid caver, camper, traveler, and photographer. The media hosted would be a large collection of his photographs, slideshows (with copyrighted music) from his wake, and a book of stories about him. His family is wanting to get these online to share with others. #AskFedi #InternetArchive
ejg (
FiXato (
FiXato (
Content warning: Progress on my subtitles/captions retrieval tool (long, about 1350 chars)
FiXato (
Liaizon Wakest (old account) (
Liaizon Wakest (old account) (
GIMP stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program and GNU stands for GNU’s Not UNIX and UNIX stands for Uniplexed Information and Computing Service so the full proper name for GIMP is actually: GNU’s Not Uniplexed Information and Computing Service Image Manipulation Program
Liaizon Wakest (old account) (
David Blue ※ (
David Blue ※ (
i suppose this is really condescending but… it’s pitiful to me that all folks can think of to do with something like public discord stages is discuss shit like “does god exist” or “is abortion wrong,” host karaoke rooms in the middle of a weekday afternoon, and…?
David Blue ※ (
Patrick Perini (
Patrick Perini (
Hey all! I really haven’t had time to upkeep Tusk since starting my new job. So I’ve re-upped the TestFlight build and open-sourced the code: If any of you want to be deputized to review PRs, let me know!
Patrick Perini (
CutThroat Neko (
CutThroat Neko ( A long time ago, I was testflighting this one too, but sadly it seems the development stopped and the app is not available anymore. It used an UI close to Tweetbot and was really promising. May be you should try to contact the developer too ?
CutThroat Neko (
Guillem Leon (
Guillem Leon (
I have encountered more image descriptions on Mastodon in 24 hours than I have in Twitter in a couple of years. Seriously. I'm not exaggerating. As a blind person, this means a lot to me. If you read this and you describe your images, thank you so, so, so much on behalf of all of us. If you don't, now you know you'll be helping random Internet strangers make sense of your posts by typing in a few more words than usual.
Guillem Leon (
Mastodon (
Mastodon (
The official #Mastodon app for iOS is now on the App Store! Get it here:
Mastodon (
gay little dog (
gay little dog (
if you or a loved one has encountered a british person, you may be entitled to financial compensation
gay little dog (
Émilie Fecteau (@thebiologist1117)
Émilie Fecteau (@thebiologist1117)
#Microfiction #FirstDraft I sat down on the couch, and opened up my book to the page my bookmark was on, page 115. I read, and some time passed. The bell in the old grandfather clock rang, marking the beginning of the next hour. Then my cat Laura jumped on my belly, and I started petting her as I normally do. Only Laura's been dead for two years... I put my book down so I could see her, and there she was. She was all white, with pink around her eyes, just like I remembered her. She was purring from me petting her. For a moment, I didn't understand what was happening. I thought I was dreaming, or I'd finally lost it. I shook my head and blinked, and then slapped myself across the face, *hard*. Laura twitched at the sound, tensed up, and put her ears back for a moment before relaxing again. She was still there... purring, though getting a little bit bored now that I'd stopped petting her. She must have heard a sound in the next room, my bedroom, or smelled something, because her head turned to look at my door... then she got off the couch and scampered over there. She went in my room... and I sat there... on the couch, with my book on my chest, opened to page 201... I got up, as quietly and slowly as possible, and put the book down on the couch. I took my first step to the door of my room, down the hallway... and then the next... and the next... until I got to the door. I looked inside the room. I couldn't *see* Laura, so I started looking around... under the bed, in the closet, under the chair, under my dresser... but nothing. She's gone... what was that...? I didn't know. Maybe I fell asleep for a moment and dreamed I saw Laura? Or maybe she really was there, I couldn't say for sure. I didn't remember falling asleep at all.
Émilie Fecteau (@thebiologist1117)