Found 3050 bookmarks
🕸️ Mercurial Madeline 🕸️ (
🕸️ Mercurial Madeline 🕸️ (
41.5K Posts, 1.08K Following, 702 Followers · Bene Gesserit Techno-witch, voidmancer. Alleged demon-spawn Polyam oneironaut. A bizarre mixture of virility and effeminacy Ko-fi on my linktree. Please donate if you want to support my FOSS community software. Silicon Valley is merely filled with the priests of Syrinx. Maybe the real treasure was forged in the workshops we seized along the way. RTFM, or don’t. Cool shit could happen. Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing. Only we will remain. So say we all. 85594D7A4A078B63
🕸️ Mercurial Madeline 🕸️ (
Drafts (
Drafts (
TIP: Prefer Tab/Shift-Tab keyboard shortcuts for indentation over Drafts' default `⌘-]` and `⌘-[`? It's an easy change - see this tip for details:
Drafts (
Drafts (
Drafts (
164 Posts, 2 Following, 2.59K Followers · Drafts is where text starts on iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch.
Drafts (
Drafts (
Drafts (
TIP: Prefer Tab/Shift-Tab keyboard shortcuts for indentation over Drafts' default `⌘-]` and `⌘-[`? It's an easy change - see this tip for details:
Drafts (
web3 is going just great (
web3 is going just great (
1.76K Posts, 1 Following, 33.2K Followers · only some of the many disasters happening in crypto, defi, NFTs, and other blockchain-based projects • created by
web3 is going just great (
petterroea :verified: :archlinux: (
petterroea :verified: :archlinux: (
508 Posts, 104 Following, 55 Followers · Jack-of-all-trades developer/DevOps/SRE by day, reverse engineer by night. #linux #devops #sre #hacking #technology NO/EN/JP(日常会話のように)
petterroea :verified: :archlinux: (
Vicki Boykis (
Vicki Boykis (
428 Posts, 530 Following, 5.09K Followers · #Recsys. #MachineLearning. #Engineering and distributed systems. Python, the JVM, and two small children. Writing. Terrible puns. Nutella. Building 📚🍕
Vicki Boykis (
Check out Kitsune Games' games, like the possession based roguelike MidBoss or the hat based puzzle game Ultra Hat Dimension.
@extratone - Lemmy.World
@extratone - Lemmy.World
Self-Described Software Historian [], Writing In Public [] and H e r e 2 H e l p. []
@extratone - Lemmy.World
chinwag's profile - Liberapay
chinwag's profile - Liberapay
Chinwag began as an example deployment for a series of tutorial articles on how to set up and run an XMPP server. Four years later, that server is still running, with …
chinwag's profile - Liberapay
Ari Weinstein (
Ari Weinstein (
Attached: 4 images I left Apple this month after 6 years (9 including Workflow!) When we made the Workflow app at a hackathon, I never dreamed that it would be preinstalled on every iPhone, and power systems like Shortcuts and App Intents. I’m so grateful for this journey and for our team.
Ari Weinstein (
eabolden (
eabolden (
2.09K Posts, 701 Following, 329 Followers · Plant, Photography, Eclectic Interests, Trying to sprout some pawpaw seeds
eabolden (
eabolden (
eabolden (
Attached: 4 images Snow Day #Wisconsin #Mazomanie #November #FaunaFun #Wildlife #BirdsOfMastodon
eabolden (
Obsidian (
Obsidian (
93 Posts, 1 Following, 7.85K Followers · The private and flexible writing app that adapts to the way you think. For help and deeper discussions our community:
Obsidian (
Obsidian (
Obsidian (
From the front page of Wired — shares his process for writing articles as they move from brainstorming to pitching to publication. "You can customize Obsidian to work basically any way you want it to. I've done this to create a perfect setup for my workflow—one that allows me to do my planning and my actual writing in the same application."
Obsidian (
Hello! is a fast, up-to-date and fun Mastodon server.
Hello! is a fast, up-to-date and fun Mastodon server.
Hello! is a fast, up-to-date and fun Mastodon server.
Hello! is a fast, up-to-date and fun Mastodon server.
Hello! is a fast, up-to-date and fun Mastodon server.
Ari Weinstein (
Ari Weinstein (
Attached: 4 images I left Apple this month after 6 years (9 including Workflow!) When we made the Workflow app at a hackathon, I never dreamed that it would be preinstalled on every iPhone, and power systems like Shortcuts and App Intents. I’m so grateful for this journey and for our team.
Ari Weinstein (
eabolden (
eabolden (
2.09K Posts, 701 Following, 329 Followers · Plant, Photography, Eclectic Interests, Trying to sprout some pawpaw seeds
eabolden (