*banned 4 MarkDown love* (@design_RG@qoto.org)
@globcoco@mamot.fr I just went and visited your profile here, and saw the link and followed to the Blog. Will tell you one thing, and this is personal option, of course -- but I haven't touched the CSS controls or looked at the suggested pages they offer. I find there's so much to do, with the provided framework and format, right off the box. Always work on my PCs and laptops, and try to make it work really well - and then I was surprised by how nice the pages (default theme untouched) look on mobile device. They look lovely, use the screen appropriately and I am afraid of touching something and breaking it. You need to make sure the finished pages look good in both PCs and mobiles, as so many people use mobile those days. Things that were and are important to me : * to have a functional and efficient tool set to work with, so it flows nicely. Got it, and I plan to write a guide for new users sometime, explaining those (text editor, image editor, image host and uploading tool, etc). * to have a good working knowledge of MarkDown, which I absolutely love. I learned it just as I started my very first blog in December 2019. Used the wonderful tutorial at https://markdowntutorial.com/ -- which is interactive, so you learn the concept, and type the code to see if you can match the example. I have worked in Education for many years and this tutorial is Top Notch ,an amazing tool. Kudos! * and then -- what to write, we need inspiration. I am currently back on the Groove, after a dry spell, and publishing pretty frequently. I did also start a totally different, themed blog -- as my main one is heavily Tech and Fediverse oriented, and people would be confused if I started blending in other themed posts. So -- a new one, focused, and whoever visits is there for that theme. My personal goal is to create one page per day, doable, but for my Long Form style, that means hours of work, research and preparing to get it done. Then, we have to spread the word -- in Fediverse, on Twitter, or any other network you find useful. But you know what -- it's SO fulfilling, when I see and read my pages, I like and am proud of them. I am very picky and demanding of my own work (INTJ, no surprise). LOL... Nice talking to you and to Devid. Suggestion -- really consider finding a mastodon instance that allows more than 500 characters maximum. My post here is at about 2,400 atm, but our instance allows 65,500 max. Writers like space... π @angedestenebres@mastodon.tedomum.net @DavidBlue@mastodon.social